
The backend uses FastAPI to set up a simple API that can get, update, and delete flow for a station. It can also get the total flow of all stations.

Currently, it is hard-coded to handle two stations with IDs station1 and station2.


The base URL for the API is So, for example, to initialize the database for station 1, you would call GET

GET /initialize/{station_id} -- initializes the database entry for a particular station and sets the station's flow to 0 -- this needs to be called once at start or after deleting flow

GET /flow/{station_id} -- gets flow for a particular station (specified by the station_id)

GET /total_flow -- gets total flow of both stations combined

POST /flow/{station_id}/{more_flow} -- updates a particular station's (station_id) flow count by adding (more_flow) to it

DELETE /flow/{station_id} -- resets a station's flow count (must run initialize for the station after this)