
compile a tikzpicture into a pdf

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


a python script to build/rebuild tikzpicture files for faster developement

usage (see examples):

python3 tikzpdf.py -wv test.tikz -p preamble.tex

This takes a tizkpicture:

  \draw (0,0) circle (2cm);
  \node at (0,0) {Test};

wraps it in a a LaTeX preview (adding additional preamble from preamble.tex):

    % TIKZ picture here

and makes a .pdf file.


usage: tikzpdf.py [-h] [-p preamble.tex] [-w] [-v] [--viewer VIEWER]

tikzpdf.py - a script for tikz picture development

positional arguments:
  example.tikz          tikz file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p preamble.tex, --preamble preamble.tex
                        latex preamble
  -w, --watch           recompile on change
  -v, --view            open viewer
  --viewer VIEWER       viewer executable

Other tools

- This is inspired by https://github.com/jeroenjanssens/tikz2pdf , which has many more features.  This project is a simplification, clean-up, and rewrite.

what may go wrong

- The viewer default is `open` (on a mac)
- The latex build system is `latexmk`