
Letting Ansible manage ssh config

Primary LanguagePython


A module for Ansible for configuring ssh configuration files.


We have several libraries that carries shared functionality between projects at work. These libraries are on GitHub and they're in their own repo. Our deploy users don't have access to every single repo but only the ones they need to deploy a specific project.

To manage this we have added in fake hostnames to our ~/.ssh/config files on the line of:

Host: internal-lib.github.com
  Hostname: github.com
  IdentityFile: id_rsa.internal-lib

When I starterd out with Ansibel I tried just adding in our lines with lineinfile and it didn't work out for me since it was several lines that needed to be added.


The usage is fairly straightforward and it handles the normal use cases of adding, changing and removing hosts from your config file.

- name: Add internal-lib.github.com to ssh config
  ssh_config: host=internal-lib.github.com hostname=github.com
              identity_file=id_rsa.internal-lib state=present
- name: Remove old-internal-lib.github.com from ssh config
  ssh_config: host=old-internal-lib.github.com state=absent


Copy ssh_config into the library directory at the root of your Playbook.

|- site.yml
|-- library/ssh_config


For managing the config files I blatantly copied ConfigParser from stormssh and paramiko which implemented all the functionality, but since I want to keep everything in one file to be easily reusable/shareable with Ansible we ended up here.