
EPEL role for Ansible and Ansible-Galaxy

An Ansible role for the EPEL Yum repositiories.


To use, setup your role like this:

    - hosts: all
      remote_user: root
        - goozbach.EPEL


Disabling repos

Enable or disable epel-testing or epel repositories like this:

  • epel_testing_enabled is 0 by default
  • epel_enabled is 1 by default
    - hosts: all
      remote_user: root
        - { role: goozbach.EPEL, epel_testing_enabled: 1 }
        - { role: goozbach.EPEL, epel_enabled: 0 }

To use a disabled repo using the yum module use this syntax:

- name: install the latest version of Apache from the testing repo
  yum: name=httpd enablerepo=epel state=installed

EPEL Release mode

Change state of epel-release rpm (default is installed, change to latest to get an updated rpm):

    - hosts: all
      remote_user: root
        - { role: goozbach.EPEL, epel_state: latest }