
Docker container for idevicerestore utility

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Please note that this is a work in progress container, and it requires some cleanup work.

Docker container for the excellent libimobiledevice/idevicerestore/ideviceactivate tools "A cross-platform protocol library to communicate with iOS devices" from https://github.com/libimobiledevice ( https://libimobiledevice.org ).

This is an unmodified build from git (and some git tags).

Note: Before running the container make sure that usbmuxd is NOT running on the host, better yet remove/uninstall it, as it's started automatically by an udev rule when Apple device is connected/restarted.

Run (to get bash prompt):

docker run -it --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --net=host lukepasek/idevicerestore:latest

(net: host is for some strange reason required to receive hotplug events in the container)

The usbmuxd daemon is started automatically in the background on the container start.

Finally, run any of the idevice* commands, or other i* commands such as irecovery.

The container can be also run in command mode:

docker run -it --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --net=host lukepasek/idevicerestore:latest ideviceinfo

Optionally the container can be run with a host mounted volume to allow for downloaded image caching:

docker run -it --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb -v /tmp/idevicerestore_cache/:/tmp/idevicerestore_cache/ --net=host lukepasek/idevicerestore:latest

In such case, the idevicerestore command can be run with the -C /tmp/idevicerestore_cache/ option.