
Connect users in real-time chat rooms that are filtered using a survey

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Survey Chat

Proof of concept

Connect people in real-time chat rooms that are filtered using a survey.

Dependencies and References


docker-compose up

For development, the server/ and client/ directories have their own docker containers, which are configured via the docker-compose.yml file.

The client server is spun up at localhost:3000 and it proxies internally to the server using the linked name as server:8080.

The local directories are mounted into the containers, so changes will reflect immediately. However, changes to package.json will likely need to a rebuild: docker-compose down && docker-compose build && docker-compose up.


docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up

For production, this uses the Dockerfile at the root of the repo. It creates a static build of the client React app and runs Express inside server, which handles both the API and serving of React files.

Deployment via Heroku

Login and create app

  • heroku login
  • heroku create --app <app-server-name>
  • heroku container:login

Build image and push to registry

  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml build
  • docker tag <app-server-name> registry.heroku.com/<app-server-name>/web
  • docker push registry.heroku.com/<app>/<process-type>

Alt build/push image (using heroku.yml):

  • heroku container:push web --app <app-server-name>

Release and verify app

  • heroku container:release web --app <app-server-name>
  • heroku open --app <app-server-name>


  • Use volume for chat history rentention
  • Display number of users in chat
  • Set user name and bio
  • Set room and hashed survey state in url