
This library is a Swift wrapper for the Kraken Digital Asset Trading Platform REST API.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Twitter: @lukeeep_



This Library is heavily inspired by Antonio Casero. The original repo can be found here. I added missing endpoints, async/await support and documentation.

Please thoroughly vet everything in the code for yourself before using this lib to buy, sell, or move any of your assets.

PLEASE submit an issue or pull request if you notice any bugs, security holes, or potential improvements. Any help is appreciated!


This library is a wrapper for the Kraken Digital Asset Trading Platform API. Official documentation from Kraken can be found here.

The current version can be used to query public/private data and make trades. Private data queries and trading functionality require use of your Kraken account API keys.

Kraken Swift was built by Antonio Casero

Package Documentation

This package is fully documented. The documentation can be found here


Swift Package Manager

To use in your project simply add this to your Package.swift under dependencies.

.package(url: "https://github.com/lukepistrol/KrakenAPI.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))

When using Xcode go to File > Add Packages and add the following URL:



Create a Kraken client using your credentials

import KrakenAPI

let credentials = Kraken.Credentials(apiKey: "YOUR-API-KEY", 
                                     privateKey: "YOUR-PRIVATE-KEY")

let kraken = Kraken(credentials: credentials)

Server Time

Get the server time from the Kraken API server.

kraken.serverTime { result in 
    switch result {
        case .success(let serverTime):
            print(serverTime["unixtime"]) // 1393056191
            print(serverTime["rfc1123"]) // "Sun, 13 Mar 2022 08:28:04 GMT"
        case .failure(let error):

Or using async await:

let result = await kraken.serverTime()

switch result {
	case .success(let serverTime):
		print(serverTime["unixtime"]) // 1393056191
		print(serverTime["rfc1123"]) // "Sun, 13 Mar 2022 08:28:04 GMT"
	case .failure(let error):

See official API documentation here