This repository contains samples that may be used with the Cloud Monitoring Dashboards API.
Check it out from GitHub. For example, you can do it in Cloud Shell by clicking the button below:
Use the gcloud monitoring dashboards create command to create a dashboard. Make sure you replace the [file-name.json] in the command:
gcloud monitoring dashboards create --config-from-file=[file_name.json]
Alternatively, you can run the following command via curl. Use the projects.dashboards.create to call the Dashboards API with the sample JSON and create a new dashboard. Make sure you replace the [project-id] and [file-name.json] in the command:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \[project-id]/dashboards -d @[file-name.json]
If you want to export a dashboard to a JSON file and share it, you can use the following steps.
Create the dashboard in the Monitoring UI (or even better, share one that you’ve already developed and used).
Open the dashboard and copy the dashboard ID from the URL (the string is in the URL after the /monitoring/dashboards/custom/ ˆprefix). For example, 10768789961894600977 is the dashboard ID in the URL below:
Use these commands to export the JSON configuration for your dashboard.
First, set your environment variables, replacing the following values with your values:
- DASH_ID with the dashboard ID copied from step #2
- YOUR_PROJECT_ID with your project id that contains the dashboard
- FILE_NAME with the output filename for the dashboard JSON config
export DASH_ID=<YOUR_DASH_ID> export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe <YOUR_PROJECT_ID> --format="value(projectNumber)") export FILE_NAME=<DASH_FILE_NAME>
Use the gcloud command line to export the dashboard to a JSON file.
gcloud monitoring dashboards describe \ projects/$PROJECT_NUMBER/dashboards/$DASH_ID --format=json > $FILE_NAME
Open the exported JSON file in an editor and remove the etag / name fields. Alternatively, you can use the
command on a Linux or MAC terminal, for example:sed -i '/"name":/d' $FILE_NAME sed -i '/"etag":/d' $FILE_NAME
MAC version of the sed commands. Note the '' addition.
sed -i '' '/"etag":/d' $FILE_NAME sed -i '' '/"name":/d' $FILE_NAME