- 0
NSURLConnection is deprecated
#13 opened by Oleg-E-Bakharev - 1
- 1
Integration Process
#2 opened by ajayjapan - 0
LRURLRequestOperation's completionBlock execute in main thread should be better
#10 opened by yanzheng - 1
Subsequent calls to LROAuth2Client.authorizeUsingWebView: skip username/password prompt
#7 opened by pooch - 1
Dependency on yajl ?
#5 opened by pooch - 2
LROAuth2Client.m:158 warning: 'ASIHTTPRequest' may not respond to '+uncompressZippedData:'
#4 opened by pooch - 1
- 2
LROAuth2 should send a Content-Type
#1 opened by jedisct1