
Mein dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

My humble dotfiles

These are my dotfiles. There are many dotfiles like them, but these ones are mine.


Clone the repo and change your working directory.

$ git clone git@github.com:lukerollans/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
$ cd ~/.dotfiles

Secondly, use RCM to install each dotfile. This is essentially a matter of symlinking each to the correct directory.

$ brew install rcm
$ rcup

RCM doesn't cover fish or kitty, however, given they source config from ~/.config We need to create the following symlinks manually.

$ ln -s ~/.dotfiles/kitty.conf ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
$ ln -s ~/.dotfiles/fish ~/.config/fish

Next, install a few packages via Homebrew which will be used in a few different scenarios, but primarily in vim.

$ brew install fzf
$ brew install diff-so-fancy

Lastly, run vim's setup script for the first time.

$ sh vim/setup.sh

Now you're cooking with gas!