
A tiny and performant server that streams block data from a nano currency node to a socket for other processes to receive

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version

A tiny and performant server that streams blocks as they are processed by a Nano currency node to a socket for other processes to receive.

This package isn't intended to be used by itself, but instead is the base library for other nano-stream npm packages which receive the stream and turn it into something else.



npm install --global nano-stream-x


Start the streaming web server


The server will default to running on

Override these defaults by passing in host or port arguments:

nano-stream-x host=ip6-localhost port=3001

Configure your Nano node to send data to the server

See the wiki article.


The data is sent to the socket as stringified JSON. A parsed example of the data:

    "account": "xrb_3jwrszth46kk1mu7rmb4rhm54us8yg1gw3ipodftqtikf5yqdyr7471nsg1k",
    "amount": 0.5,
    "amount_raw": 5e+29,
    "balance": 16.677787630327758,
    "balance_raw": 1.6677787630327757e+31,
    "hash": "4A8372BC200C68D71663E61C0C2D021550BBCEB0C811A24771E600C0E4732D21",
    "is_send": true,
    "link": "F637A0883D5667413B7753CB6625DA8AEF403E384C5693F1A2B184C4DD12DCAD",
    "link_as_account": "xrb_3ajqn465tom9a1xqgnyderkxo4qha1z5im4pkhrt7ee6rmgj7q7fmwqoohtn",
    "type": "state",
    "previous": "86A36FC1361843D5EA4F2FF69967D1EFC0AAE85C741E022A721305581332226F",
    "representative": "xrb_3jwsszth46rk1mu7rmb4rhm54us8yg1gw3ipodftqtikf5yqdyr7471nsg1k",
    "signature": "826A46B08F00007C4B807CB2065EE797B918E38EBD1F3855ABE14D2DF151FC551F37480DBDD1C8DA787E6AF9352853FA6F57E6BB64E58E5353699B9748F0120C",
    "seen": 1531192356.751,
    "tpm": 6.2,
    "tps": 0.1,
    "work": "26ad0a6313b8189e"

Notes about the data

  • seen is the unix timestamp with decimals of when the node processed the block and not the time the block was created or transmitted to the network, as Nano blocks are not timestamped

  • tpm is a float representing the current transactions per minute averaged from the last 10m of activity

  • tps is a float representing the current transactions per second averaged from the last 60s of activity

  • _raw values are in Nano's raw unit (the currency's smallest unit). These values are truly large, but are more accurate that the other values which are in NANO which will be accurate to only 15 decimal places