Nevyhod Story Course Project

This repository is used to demonstrate interesting topics around Full Stack development, specifically around Java and Angular (backend and frontend, BE + FE).

The main intention is to collect and practice innovative ideas in high level (or under the hood) on real story examples. Every story example should be ideally related to base main story - nevyhod (coming from repository title).

As a developer you can meet with a lot of useful core aspects such as: patterns, best practices, database concepts, useful libraries, prototyping, frontend design, custom libs, devops, k8s, docker, configurations, performance tuning and so on and so forth.

👇 The project is still in progress state and hence please keep in mind there might be some non-working code, missing parts or whatever 👇

So feel free to use it and enjoy

How to run the application without docker

for BE
./gradlew :nevyhod-gui:bootRun -x test --info

for FE
ng build utility-components-lib --watch
ng serve

List of used urls


Useful notes, support guide (npm etc.)

Check if there are any updates for project dependencies
npm outdated

npm info @swimlane/ngx-charts  peerDependencies