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Primary LanguagePython

Poem Generator

The Poem Generator generates poems based on the emotional content of the user input by using Watson Tone Analyzer. This application features:

  1. Watson Tone Analyzer
  2. Watson Natural Language Understanding
  3. Deploy to Bluemix
  4. PostgreSQL

Getting Started

Before you get started, read my blog post to learn how the Poem Generator works. to To set up the Poem Generator follow the instructions below after cloning the repo.


In Bluemix, you will need to create a:

  • Watson Tone Analyzer Service
  • Watson Natural Language Understanding Service
  • Compose for PostgreSQL Service (or use another PostgreSQL service of your choice)

1. Clone the sample application

Clone the repo and navigate to the directory where the sample app is located.

git clone https://github.com/ibm-watson-data-lab/PoemGenerator
cd PoemGenerator

2. Copy your credentials to the .env file

In the sample app directory, locate the _env.template file. Rename the file to .env. You will need to copy the credentials from the Bluemix services you created. To find these credentials, navigate to your Bluemix Dashboard and click on a service. Navigate to “Service credentials” and click “View credentials”.

Copy the credentials to their corresponding variables.


For PostgreSQL you will need to provide the username, password, host, port and database name. The default port for PostgreSQL is 5432. If you are using Compose for PostgreSQL your connection string in the Bluemix dashboard will look something like this:


This would map to the following properties in the .env file


Create a Database

If you are using Compose for PostgreSQL a database called compose will have been created for you. If you are using another PostgreSQL provider be sure to create a database and specify the database name in the .env file.

3. Set up a Python Virtual Environment (Optional)

If you prefer to use virtual environments configure one at this step. A virtual environment is a tool to keep the dependencies required by different projects in separate places. You can create and activate a virtual environment by running the following commands:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

You can deactivate your virtual environment by running: deactivate

4. Install requirements

In the command line, run this command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

5. Run Locally

You should be able to run the Poem Generator locally now. From the command line, run this command:

python app.py

On your first run, a new database table will be created and poem lines will be imported into the database. This might take a small moment. In the command prompt, you should see:

 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 297-834-722

In your browser, you can view your app at http://localhost:8080 or click here.

5. Deploy to Bluemix

To deploy to Bluemix, it can be helpful to set up a manifest.yml file. One is provided for you. Take a moment to review it.

The manifest.yml includes basic information about your app, such as the name, how much memory to allocate for each instance and the route. Since host names must be unique, it will be created with a random word on the end. You can also change the host to YourChosenAppName.

Choose your API endpoint

cf api <API-endpoint>

Replace the API-endpoint/ in the command with an API endpoint from the following list.

URL Region
https://api.ng.bluemix.net US South
https://api.eu-de.bluemix.net Germany
https://api.eu-gb.bluemix.net United Kingdom
https://api.au-syd.bluemix.net Sydney

Login to your Bluemix account

cf login

From within the PoemGenerator directory push your app to Bluemix

cf push

This can take a minute. If there is an error in the deployment process you can use the command cf logs --recent to troubleshoot.

Your .env file will not be pushed to Bluemix, and the very first time your app will crash. This is expected. You should see this in the command prompt:

0 of 1 instances running, 1 crashed
Error restarting application: Start unsuccessful

6. Update Environment Variables and Start Your App

On Bluemix, you will need to navigate to your Environment Variables.

Dashboard -> Poem-Generator -> Runtime -> Environment Variables

Add each environment variable that is defined in your .env file.

Go back to your application's homepage and press run.

You should be able to navigate to your application's site and see the Poem Generator.

For more information on how the Poem Generator works, you can read my blog post here.