
Bootstrap kubernetes clusters quickly on multiple cloud stacks using Terraform.

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Kubernetes the Multi-Cloud Way

An implementation of Kubernetes The Hard Way that makes it easy to spin up K8S clusters quickly on different cloud providers, peel the onion layers to understand exactly the steps involved, and change things up to try something different or new.


Terraform for infrastructure control as code - network, compute, firewall, LB, etc.

CloudFlare's PKI/TLS Toolkit for PKI.

bash for bootstrap configuration as invoked by Terraform SSH/SCP remote provisioners.

jq for bash-based JSON parsing of in.json which is also Terraform input variable file.

Ways now implemented are Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Azure and vCenter-managed vSphere are future plans.

Try It

Basic instructions to try this out yourself. You'll need to configure in.json to point to your SSH and IAM private keys and also recommend changing envPrefix to identify your infrastructure resources.

Inputs File Reference (in.json)

Name Example Description
gcpProject your-org-prj-name Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project to deploy in
gcpCredential ../../secrets/gcp/yours/service_account_key.json Relative path to GCP Service Account Key JSON. Terraform uses this to authenticate API access to GCP.
gcpSshKeyPath ../../secrets/ssh/k8s-the-mc-way Relative path to SSH private key. Terraform uses this for provisioners' access to GCP-based virtual machines.
awsSshKeyPairName yoursurname-k8s-the-mc-way Name of AWS EC2 key pair public key. This gets added to VM's SSH known hosts.
awsSshKeyFileName k8s-the-mc-way Name of SSH private key file. Terraform uses this for provisioners' access to AWS-based virtual machines.
awsSshKeyPath ../../secrets/ssh Relative path to SSH private key. Terraform uses this for provisioners' access to AWS-based virtual machines.
awsAccessKeyIdPath ../../secrets/aws/iam_user/access_key_id Relative path to text file with IAM User Secret Key. Terraform uses this to authenticate API access to AWS.
awsSecretAccessKeyPath ../../secrets/aws/iam_user/secret_access_key Relative path to text file with IAM User Access Key. Terraform uses this to authenticate API access to AWS.
envPrefix yoursurname-k8s-tmcw Prefix to use in naming virtual machines and other cloud resources. This helps make things easily identifiable esp. if you are sharing public cloud account with other team members.
serviceSubnetCidr Kubernetes Service Subnet address range - used for allocation of Cluster IP's. This range is NAT'd to pod subnet range by iptables.
podSubnetCidr Kubernetes Pod Subnet address range - used for allocation of Pod IP's. This range is what pods use to address each other. Each worker gets a /24 for its local pod address range.
physicalSubnetCidr Virtual Private Cloud Subnet address range - used for allocation of Node IP's. All cross-node traffic ends up being routed across this network.


machine:dir user$ brew install terraform

machine:dir user$ brew install cfssl

machine:dir user$ brew install kubernetes-cli

machine:dir user$ brew install jq

machine:dir user$ git clone

# import the public key generated here into GCP Project Compute Engine Metadata SSH Keys and/or AWS Region EC2 Key Pairs
machine:dir user$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f secrets/ssh/k8s-the-mc-way -C ssh-user

machine:dir user$ chmod 400 secrets/ssh/k8s-the-mc-way

machine:dir user$ cd k8s-the-multicloud-way

# update fields to match your GCP and/or AWS accounts
machine:dir user$ vim in.json

machine:dir user$ cd way-gcp OR cd way-aws

machine:dir user$ terraform init

machine:dir user$ terraform apply -var-file ../in.json

machine:dir user$ kubectl create your-interesting-experiments

machine:dir user$ terraform destroy -var-file ../in.json