
Example GoogleSpread Sheet

Key1 Key2 Key3 ...
Value1_1 Value2_1 Value3_1 ...
Value1_2 Value2_2 Value3_2 ...

This module only reads data from the published google spreadsheet.


You must have publish settings in Google spreadsheets.
GoogleSpreadSheet -> File -> Publish to the web.

###+ JSON

var sheet = require("google-sheet-to-data")('YOUR_SHEET_ID');
// sheet number start at 1
sheet.json(SHEET_IDX, function (err, rep) {
    console.log(err, rep);

####result :

null, [{ Key1: value1_1, Key2: Value2_1, Key3: Value3_1, }, { Key1: value1_2, Key2: Value2_2, Key3: Value3_2, } ... ]


var sheet = require("google-sheet-to-data")('YOUR_SHEET_ID');
// sheet number start at 1
sheet.matrix(SHEET_IDX, function (err, rep) {
    console.log(err, rep);

####result :

null, [ [ Key1, Key2, Key3 ... ], [ Value1_1, Value2_1, Value3_1 ... ], [ Value1_2, Value2_2, Value3_2 ... ] ... ]