
An Angular clone of ThinkGeek's October 2018 layout

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Think Geek Site Clone

A clone of everyone's favorite novelty shop, 10/19/18

By Luke Vandekieft


What's better than yet another novelty mug gift? A novelty mug gift shaped like a Koopa shell! Think Geek is your one-stop gift shop for that special someone who you kind-of know. You may not know what you coworker needs but you can say with certainty what they want, and that thing is a snack bowl shaped like Chewbacca.

In cloning this site I'm not only paying homage to my go-to Christmas shopping hub but also testing out my chops with Angular & Firebase. Different site components will be displayed in separate components and the final product will be available to view on a site other than GH Pages. If you have any suggestions or commentary on how my use of these tools could be improved I'm all ears!

Clone site:

Original site:

Setup/Installation Requirements

Live site is at https://thinkgeek-clone.firebaseapp.com/

To download & edit do the following:

  • Get file from Github.

    $ git clone https://github.com/lukevandekieft/think-geek-clone.git
  • Install NPM (node package manager) as needed - instructions can be found at https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm .

  • Install necessary webpack dependencies for project.

    $ npm install
  • Create file src/app/api-keys.ts and include the following. You will need to get the API key and sender ID from me.

    export const masterFirebaseConfig = {
        apiKey: "[YOUR KEY]",
        authDomain: "thinkgeek-clone.firebaseapp.com",
        databaseURL: "https://thinkgeek-clone.firebaseio.com",
        projectId: "thinkgeek-clone",
        storageBucket: "thinkgeek-clone.appspot.com",
        messagingSenderId: "[YOUR ID]"
  • Set up local dev server and then open page at http://localhost:4200/ .

    $ ng serve


  • Site is deployed to Firebase and can be readily viewed there.

  • Page contains various Angular components that populate and nest independently (navbar, content, & footer bar, all with sub-components).

  • Shopping & link content come primarily from Firebase rather than statically saved images & info.

  • Links and image references can change dynamically based on database info.

  • Components stack and interact appropriately, with Sass variables and local CSS applied at the correct levels.

  • All page hyperlinks are active and lead to original site destinations. These hyperlinks are stored and organized on Firebase.

  • Stretch goal: have functioning social media links in bottom bar and Instagram sections.

  • Stretch goal: add more content to the shopping section.

  • Stretch goal: make functioning search bar.

Technologies Used

  • Angular Framework
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Sass
  • Firebase

Support and contact details

If you have any concerns or suggestions please contact Luke Vandekieft at vandekie@gmail.com


This software is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2018 Luke Vandekieft