Learn python the fast way
With this tutorial, you can learn everything you need to know to program with python in a very short time.
To use python, you need to install it to your system. Then, create a file with the .py ending. Run this file in terminal or command line with python <your-filename>.py
print("Hello World!")
writes Hello World!
to your terminal. print()
can also print numbers and variables. Just remove the ""
and write the variable or number inside the parenthesis.
The #
symbol is used to show the beginning of a comment. Each character after the #
symbol on that line will not be run by the computer. """
can also be used for multi-line comments, with three quotes at the beginning and at the end.
Variables are used to hold data.
- Numbers:
my_num = 3
- Strings(What programmers call text):
city = "Paris"
- Lists:
grades = ["A", "B", "B+"]
- Or objects:
df = pd.read_csv(fp)
You can do math with numeric variables:
x = 2
y = 3
z = x + y
In this case z will equal 5
If statements are used when you want to run a certain piece of code if a condition is true.
if x > 1:
print("x is greater than 1")
elif x < 1:
print("x is less than 1")
print("x is equal to 1")
The for loop is used to run an action multiple times, with the values given in the loop. This snippet will print the numbers 0, 1, 2:
for x in range(0, 3):
This will print each item in the list:
for item in my_list:
The while loop is used to run an action as long as the condition is true. The following will print the value of x until x is greater than or equal to 10.
x = 0
while x < 10:
x = x + 1
Use functions when you want to reuse a part of your code or want to split your code up to make it easier to understand. Functions must be defined before they are called.
# Define the function
def my_function(in_var):
# Call the function
The variable inside the parenthesis is a parameter. Parameters are used to give data to functions, which can then manipulate that data.
- import modules
- classes