A tool for extracting a slideshow from a video presentation.
Requires ffmpeg.
Package can be installed via pip: pip install vid2slides
To use vid2slides on the command line use: vid2slides <input-video>
By default this will write out.pdf
to your current directory.
To use in python:
from vid2slides import v2s
- Video is split into its keyframes by ffmpeg. Using keyframes allows only the most important slides to be saved as images to parse later.
- Slides are compared, and duplicates are removed. The Pillow package compares two adjacent images with ImageChops and returns a difference percent. The default percent used to determine difference is 2. If the difference between the images is less than 2%, it is assumed that they are identical, and one of the slides is removed.
- Slides are combined and saved as out.pdf, or filename specified with -o.