A Software Engineer with a Master's degree who enjoys solving real-world problems with simple and scalable codes.
San Francisco
lukewhchen's Following
- vitejs
- tooto1985Taiwan
- MikeCheng1208
- aszx87410Taipei, Taiwan
- robturtle北京无限码力
- PklongNY, NY
- matthawsHubSpot
- OscarAlvarez8830@lyft
- liamzhang40
- david-dickinson
- yeti-detectiveEast Village, New York
- absterr08NYC
- mikeboanNYC
- TamableSumZero, Inc.
- Rmark92Brooklyn
- lateNightJava
- wjoeyu
- leebrian7799
- as228512Flushing, NY
- AndrewJGregory@sema4genomics
- brendanfeng
- maya-rosmarinThe Browser Company
- gbphelps
- moeroach94@Tapad
- tonmoylNYC Area
- bliew93
- cgomezz13New York, New York
- paulgreenleafNYC
- stvtortora
- rnowusu
- ZLeinwandNYC
- ixjamesyoo
- Rhossan
- jahankhan
- garicklip
- vanillafrostyNew York