
AoC template for Roc

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Advent of Code Template

A template for AoC using Roc 🤘

Roc is a fast, friendly, and functional language which makes it ideal for AoC.

All you need to get started is the roc executable. Installing it doesn't take long, and it ships with testing (roc test) and code formatting (roc format) already included.

The simplest setup is to make each day its own .roc file.

For example, here's all you need for day1.


app "AoC"
    packages {
        pf: "https://github.com/roc-lang/basic-cli/releases/download/0.7.0/bkGby8jb0tmZYsy2hg1E_B2QrCgcSTxdUlHtETwm5m4.tar.br",
    imports [pf.Stdout, pf.Task.{Task}, "day-1-input.txt" as input : Str]
    provides [main] to pf

main : Task {} *
main = Stdout.line part1

part1 : Str
part1 =
    |> List.map List.sum
    |> List.sortDesc
    |> List.first
    |> Result.map \highestCals -> "The Elf with the highest calories has \(Num.toStr highestCals) kCal"
    |> Result.withDefault "Ooops there are no rucksacks to count"

elfCalories : List (List U64)
elfCalories = parse input

parse : Str -> List (List U64)
parse = \str ->
    inventory <- str |> Str.split "\n\n" |> List.map

    inventory |> Str.split "\n" |> List.keepOks Str.toU64

You can run your solution from the terminal in the same directory as day1.roc with:

$ roc dev day1.roc

If you want to do an optimized build, run roc run --optimize day1.roc instead. This will take longer to build, but then the program will run faster.

To run tests, use:

$ roc test day1.roc 

0 failed and 1 passed in 277 ms.

This is all you need to solve AoC in Roc! 🎉

Optional: AoC CLI, TUI and Web Apps

If you'd like additional features that are specific to AoC, then this repository has several to choose from:

  • A CLI App that prints the results to stdout roc run src/cli.roc -- 2022 1
  • A TUI App with a graphical menu to choose a solution to run roc src/tui.roc
  • A Web App for sharing your AoC solutions with your friends roc src/web.roc

The solutions for CLI, TUI and Web are common to all three applications. They are located in subfolders like src/S2023/D01.roc.

To add another you can copy a previous solution, and include it in the solutions variable in src/App.roc.

solutions : List AoC.Solution
solutions = 
    |> List.sortWith sortByYearAndDay