
Unix/Linux environment files

Primary LanguageC


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              LE  ED.
             L#E  E#K:
            G#W.  E##W;
           D#K.   E#E##t
          E#K.    E#ti##f
        .E#E.     E#t ;##D.
       .K#E       E#ELLE##K:
      .K#D        E#L;;;;;;,
     .W#G         E#t

This is my system configuration for unix based machines, formerly known as dotfiles.

The file tree is pretty straight forward:

├──  .config
│  ├──  .gitignore
│  ├──  direnv
│  ├──  fish
│  ├──  kitty
│  ├──  nvim
│  └──  starship.toml
├──  .gitconfig
├──  .gitignore
├──  .hushlogin
├──  .luarc.json
├──  .markdownlint.json
├──  .protolint.yaml
├──  .rgignore
├──  .stylua.toml
├──  bin
├──  nixos
│  ├──  bootstrap.sh
│  └──  configuration.nix
└──  README.md

Most files/directories get symlinked into $HOME using home-manager.


The bootstrap.sh script installs the necessary dependencies based on operating system, symlinks each dotfile, and sets up the system.

git, bash, and nix must be installed.

To get up and running on a new system:

cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/lukexor/config
cd config/