
A very simple python grpc project example simulating a warehouse. We can manage the stock using product API and place orders with order API.

Project Structure

The project is separated into 3 independent modules each managed by poetry:

  • grpc - this is where the grpc protobuf definitions and python biding live. It's possible to build and publish it independently so consumers of the API can implement their own clients to the warehouse service

  • service - module contains a toy implementation of grpc server hosting order and product APIs implementations

  • client - an example of command line clients using the grpc python binding to interact with the server


  1. Create virtual environment for the project with your favourite tool (ex. pyenv, conda)
  2. Install latest version of poetry
  3. Install invoke - pip install invoke
  4. Run inv init to install the dependencies.

Useful Commands

  • inv init --include-lock upgrade all projects dependencies and regenerate poetry lock files.
  • inv clean clean python cache/build and other miscellaneous files
  • inv protogen generate python grpc biddings from .proto definitions file
  • inv test run pytest tests
  • inv format format projects code base with black