
Caesar Cipher Library for Rust.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Caesar cipher capabilities for Rust.
Current Version Build Status


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

caesarlib = "0.2.0"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate caesarlib;

use caesarlib::*;


// With custom base sequence
// Can look like "ABC...Zabc...z"

custom_encipher(base_seq: &str, offset: u16, message: &str) -> String

custom_decipher(base_seq: &str, offset: u16, message: &str) -> String

// With roman/latin characters
// Looks like the example for custom base sequences

fn encipher(offset: u16, message: &str) -> String;

fn decipher(offset: u16, message: &str) -> String;

// Returns randomly-generated offset and enciphered text
fn rdm_encipher(message: &str) -> (u16, String)

CLI tool

You can try the lib using the caesar-cli tool:

$ caesarlib --method encipher --offset 87 --text "Carolus Magnus"
Result: lJaXUdb vJPWdb
With Offset: 87

$ caesarlib --method decipher --offset 87 —text "lJaXUdb vJPWdb"
Result: Carolus Magnus
With Offset: 87

$ caesarlib --random --text "Carolus Magnus"
Result: qOfcZig AOUbig
With Offset: 51312


Enter the caesarlib repository and run: cargo run --verbose


  • clap - Command Line Argument Parser for Rust
  • rand - A Rust library for random number generators and other randomness functionality.



SemVer applies for versioning. For the versions available, see the crate


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


This was inspired by my Caesar Cipher algorithm implentation in Swift used in my iOS application caesarlib