
Automatically generate Ladle stories from existing React components

Primary LanguageTypeScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Automatically generate Ladle stories from existing React components, extracting Props definitions and default values, and automatically creating controls from types.

Usage: npx ladlescoop [options] <file>

  -o, --overwrite        overwrite existing file
  --dryrun               Don't write to file(s)
  --stdout               Print all output to stdout rather than filesysytem
  --propsformat <value>  Custom props naming format (default: "{Component}Props")
  --wrap <value>         Custom DOM wrapping: 'div(className="foo"|id="bar"),MockProvider(mocks=[])'
  -h, --help             display help for command

Takes a single TypeScript file (*.ts, *.tsx). Story files are written based on component name, not input file; so a Foo.tsx containing function Bar and function Baz will write Bar.stories.tsx and Baz.stories.tsx.

To run:

npm i
ts-node index.ts ./src/components/ExampleInput.tsx


npm test
npm test -- -u # update snapshots
  • stdin support
  • satisfies operator on args/argTypes
  • Recursive type imports and composable types
  • Look for props destructuring within render function
  • More unit test coverage
  • Not planning to add custom code formatting; BYO linter/formatter.