Water tank meter

ESP8266 based project for measuring water level in tank using ultrasonic sensor complete with 3D printed enclosure accesible through web interface.

Assembled box


Wiring diagram

Wiring diagram

Electronics parts

  • WeMos D1 Mini Pro 16MB ESP8266 WiFi modul (pro model to attach pigtail+antenna)
  • Logic level shifter
  • JSN-SR04T
  • MaxLink omnidirectional dipole antenna 10dBi 2,4GHz, RSMA 01-VS-MDB10
  • pigtail
  • USB charger - micro usb
  • 4 M3 threaded inserts
  • 4 M3x10 screws
  • cables for wiring
  • solder if needed


  • compile and upload firmware + static files (how to)
  • on first boot, the board sets up WIFI AP with default "watertankmeter" SSID and "watertankmeter.local" address
  • connect and setup WIFI and tank dimensions and sensor distances
  • NOTICE: minimum full distance is 20cm - which is the minimum distance the sensor can measure
  • Better to keep the sensor at least 30cm above the maximum water level
  • The logic of distances on picture below

Distances logic