
q is shell script collector

Primary LanguageGo

q (quali)

q is shell script repository


how to install

$ git clone https://github.com/lukluk/q.git
$ cd q && cp bin/* /usr/local/bin

how to use

set repo

  1. create new blank repo

  2. $ q repo {repo-uri}


//read-write access
$ q repo git@github.com:lukluk/repo-demo.git
//read-only access
$ q repo https://github.com/lukluk/repo-demo.git

create new script

q new {SCRIPT}

$ q new cx
<vim> kubectl config current-context

more examples:

$ q new podexec
<vim> kubectl exec  -it $(kubectl get pods | awk '{print $1}' | grep $1 -m1) -- bash

create script with humanize param

$ q new hello
<vim> echo <your-name> <your-email>
$ q hello
q hello your-name your-email
$ q hello lukluk luklukaha@gmail.com

call script

q {NAME}

$ q cx
$ q podexec
> not enaugh arguments , args(1)
$ q podexec util

list of scripts

$ q

update collection

$ q pull

publish your script (share to team)

$ q push