
This is escapeGame using Java

Primary LanguageJava


This is escapeGame using Java

A mouse is trying to escape from a maze where it starts moving from the top-left corner (0,0) to the exit in the bottom-right corner (6,6). It moves according to the following rules:

o The mouse has 40% chance to go forward along the same direction. o The mouse has 30% chance to turn left and 30% chance to turn right.
o The initial moving direction is indicated by the pointer. So, if the mouse chooses to go forward, it will reach (1,0) in the next step. o The new position must be within the boundaries of the maze. o The new position must not have been visited previously. o If the new position does not fulfil the criteria above, the mouse will try another move again. Every decision is independent of the others. o If the mouse reaches a dead-end - all directions are not enterable, it fails to leave the maze. o The mouse continues to move until it reaches the exit.

the Monte Carlo method to estimate the probability (P) of the mouse successfully escaping from the maze. The simulation should run one million times. Your program should print out the simulation results clearly and round the success rate P to 3 digits after the decimal point as follow:

The Monte Carlo simulation result of one million runs: No. of successful escape: 279451 Success Rate P: 0.279

The acceptable range of the success rate is 0.278 - 0.281 and the execution time should be less than 5 seconds.