Advanced Android WebView App Documentation
- Developed with Android Studio & Gradle
- Chromium web engine
- Splash Screen (optional)
- Popup Menu
- WebView supports HTML5, JavaScript, Cookies, CSS, images, videos and other standard web tools and technologies
- AdMob Banner and Interstitial Ads (optional)
- OneSignal Push Notification (optional)
- SnackBar
- Link copy in Menu
- Link Share with customizable message
- Refresh option in Menu
- Back option in Menu
- Floating Action Button for Share
- Opening external apps (Play Store, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...)
- Opening external apps (e-mail app, sms, phone call, maps)
- Firebase Analytics
- Customizable Action Bar Title
- Opening links in external browser (optional)
- Local pages (available in offline)
- Fullscreen video
- Download notification in Toast
- File picker for uploading files
- Geolocation (optional)
- Navigation drawer menu with optional categories (easily customizable)
- Action Bar Share Button
- Pull-to-Refresh (optional)
- Share dialog (optional)
- Confirmation dialog when user tries to exit the app (optional)
- Customization (enable/disable action bar, navigation drawer menu, pull-to-refresh etc.)
- Unlimited Color Option
- Progress Bar
- No Internet Connection Page (HTML or XML)
- RTL Support
- Multi language support
- Runtime permissions
- Easy configuration
- Well documented