
Predict customer lifetime value using AutoML Tables, with a Tensorflow neural network and the Lifetimes Python library.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This code supports the three-part solution Predicting Customer Lifetime Value with Cloud ML Engine published on cloud.google.com.

Customer Lifetime Value Prediction with TensorFlow

This project shows how to use a TensorFlow model to predict customer lifetime value in the following context:

  • We apply the models using this data set [1].
  • We provide an implementation using a DNN model with batch normalization and dropout
  • We also provide an implementation, using the Lifetimes library in Python, of probablistic models commonly used in industry to perform lifetime value prediction.

The project also shows how to deploy a production-ready data processing pipeline for lifetime value prediction on Google Cloud Platform, using BigQuery and DataStore with orchestration provided by Cloud Composer.


install Miniconda

The code works with python 2/3. Using Miniconda2:

sudo apt-get install -y git bzip2
wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda2-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
bash Miniconda2-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b
export PATH=~/miniconda2/bin:$PATH

create environment

conda create -y -n clv
source activate clv
conda install -y -n clv python=2.7 pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

launch Jupyter

If you are interested in using Jupyter with Datalab, you can do the following:

jupyter nbextension install --py datalab.notebook --sys-prefix
jupyter notebook

And enter in the first cell of your Notebook

%load_ext google.datalab.kernel


This code is set to run automatically using Cloud Composer, a google-managed version of Airflow. The following steps describe how to go from your own copy of the data to a deployed model with results exported both in Datastore and BigQuery.

See this solution for more details.


Before running the Airflow script, you need a couple of things to be set up:

1 - Setting variables

export PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project 2> /dev/null)
export BUCKET=gs://${PROJECT}_data_final
export REGION=us-central1
export DATASET_NAME=ltv

export COMPOSER_NAME="clv-final"
export COMPOSER_BUCKET_NAME=${PROJECT}_composer_final
export DF_STAGING=${COMPOSER_BUCKET}/dataflow_staging
export DF_ZONE=${REGION}-a
export SQL_MP_LOCATION="sql"

export LOCAL_FOLDER=$(pwd)

2 - Creating workspace

gsutil mb -l ${REGION} -p ${PROJECT} ${BUCKET}
gsutil mb -l ${REGION} -p ${PROJECT} ${COMPOSER_BUCKET}
bq --location=US mk --dataset ${PROJECT}:${DATASET_NAME}

Create a datastore database as detailed in the Datastore documentation

3 - Copying useful data

# Copy the raw dataset
gsutil cp gs://solutions-public-assets/ml-clv/db_dump.csv ${BUCKET}
gsutil cp ${BUCKET}/db_dump.csv ${COMPOSER_BUCKET}

# Copy the dataset to be predicted. Replace with your own.
gsutil cp clv_mle/to_predict.json ${BUCKET}/predictions/
gsutil cp ${BUCKET}/predictions/to_predict.json ${COMPOSER_BUCKET}/predictions/
gsutil cp clv_mle/to_predict.csv ${BUCKET}/predictions/
gsutil cp ${BUCKET}/predictions/to_predict.csv ${COMPOSER_BUCKET}/predictions/

3 - [Optional] Create Machine Learning Engine packaged file If you make changes to any of the Python files in clv_mle, you need to recreate the packaged files usable by ML Engine.

cd ${LOCAL_FOLDER}/clv_mle
rm -rf clv_ml_engine.egg-info/
rm -rf dist
python setup.py sdist
gsutil cp dist/* ${COMPOSER_BUCKET}/code/

Set up Cloud Composer

Enable the required APIs

Cloud Composer API Machine Learning API Dataflow API

Create a service account

Creating a service account is important to make sure that your Cloud Composer instance can perform the required tasks within BigQuery, ML Engine, Dataflow, Cloud Storage and Datastore.

The following creates a service account called composer@[YOUR-PROJECT-ID].iam.gserviceaccount.com. and assigns the required roles to the service account.

gcloud iam service-accounts create composer --display-name composer --project ${PROJECT}

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} \
--member serviceAccount:composer@${PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
--role roles/composer.worker

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} \
--member serviceAccount:composer@${PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
--role roles/bigquery.dataEditor

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} \
--member serviceAccount:composer@${PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
--role roles/bigquery.jobUser

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} \
--member serviceAccount:composer@${PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
--role roles/storage.admin

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} \
--member serviceAccount:composer@${PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
--role roles/ml.developer

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} \
--member serviceAccount:composer@${PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
--role roles/dataflow.developer

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} \
--member serviceAccount:composer@${PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
--role roles/compute.viewer

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} \
--member serviceAccount:composer@${PROJECT}.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
--role roles/storage.objectAdmin

Wait until the service account has all the proper roles setup.

Create a composer instance with the service account

This will take a while. The good thing is that Airflow gets all setup for you.

gcloud beta composer environments create ${COMPOSER_NAME} \
--location ${REGION}  \
--zone ${REGION}-f \
--machine-type n1-standard-1 \

Make SQL files available to the DAG

There are various ways of calling BigQuery queries. This solutions leverages BigQuery files directly. For them to be accessible by the DAGs, they need to be in the same folder.

The following command line, copies the entire sql folder as a subfolder in the Airflow dags folder.

cd ${LOCAL_FOLDER}/preparation

gcloud beta composer environments storage dags import \
--environment ${COMPOSER_NAME} \
--source  ${SQL_MP_LOCATION} \
--location ${REGION} \
--project ${PROJECT}

Other files

Some files are important when running the DAG. They can be saved in the data folder:

1 - The BigQuery schema file used to load data into BigQuery

gsutil cp ./run/airflow/schema_source.json ${COMPOSER_BUCKET}

2 - A Javascript file used by the Dataflow template for processing.

gsutil cp ./run/airflow/gcs_datastore_transform.js ${COMPOSER_BUCKET}

Set environment variables

Region where things happen

gcloud beta composer environments run ${COMPOSER_NAME} variables --location ${REGION} \
-- \
--set region ${REGION}

Staging location for Dataflow

gcloud beta composer environments run ${COMPOSER_NAME} variables --location ${REGION} \
-- \
--set df_temp_location ${DF_STAGING}

Zone where Dataflow should run

gcloud beta composer environments run ${COMPOSER_NAME} variables --location ${REGION} \
-- \
--set df_zone ${DF_ZONE}

BigQuery working dataset

gcloud beta composer environments run ${COMPOSER_NAME} variables --location ${REGION} \
-- \
--set dataset ${DATASET_NAME}

Composer bucket

gcloud beta composer environments run ${COMPOSER_NAME} variables --location ${REGION} \
-- \
--set composer_bucket_name ${COMPOSER_BUCKET_NAME}

Import DAG

You need to run this for all your dag files. This solution has two DAGs located in the run/airflow/dags folder.

gcloud beta composer environments storage dags import \
--environment ${COMPOSER_NAME} \
--source run/airflow/dags/01_build_train_deploy.py \
--location ${REGION} \
--project ${PROJECT}

gcloud beta composer environments storage dags import \
--environment ${COMPOSER_NAME} \
--source run/airflow/dags/02_predict_serve.py \
--location ${REGION} \
--project ${PROJECT}

Run DAGs

You now should have both DAGs and the SQL files in the Cloud Composer's reserved bucket. Because you probably want to run training and prediction tasks independently, you can run the following script as needed. For more automatic runs (like daily for example, refer to the Airflow documentation to setup your DAGs accordingly.

Airflow can take various parameters as inputs.

The following are used within the .sql files through the syntax {{ dag_run.conf['PARAMETER-NAME'] }}

  • project: Project ID where the data is located
  • dataset: Dataset that is used to write and read the data
  • predict_end: When is the final date of the whole sales dataset
  • threshold_date: What is the data used to split the data

Other variables are important as they depend on your environment and are passed directly to the Operators:

  • model_type: Name of the model that you want to use. Should match one of the options from model.py
  • project: Your project id
  • dataset: Your dataset id
  • threshold_date: Date that separates features from target
  • predict_end: End date of the dataset
  • model_name: Name of the model saved to Machine Learning Engine
  • model_version: Name of the version of model_name save to Machine Learning Engine
  • tf_version: Tensorflow version to be used
  • max_monetary: Monetary cap to discard all customers that spend more than that amount
gcloud beta composer environments run ${COMPOSER_NAME} \
--project ${PROJECT} \
--location ${REGION} \
trigger_dag \
-- \
build_train_deploy \
--conf '{"model_type":"dnn_model", "project":"'${PROJECT}'", "dataset":"'${DATASET_NAME}'", "threshold_date":"2011-08-08", "predict_end":"2011-12-12", "model_name":"dnn_airflow", "model_version":"v1", "tf_version":"1.10", "max_monetary":"15000"}'
gcloud beta composer environments run ${COMPOSER_NAME} \
--project ${PROJECT} \
--location ${REGION} \
trigger_dag \
-- \
predict_serve \
--conf '{"model_name":"dnn_airflow", "model_version":"v1", "dataset":"'${DATASET_NAME}'"}'

Train and Tune Models

To run training or hypertuning you can use the mltrain.sh script. It must be run from the top level directory, as in the examples below. For ML Engine jobs you must supply a bucket on GCS. The job data folder will be gs://bucket/data and the job directory will be gs://bucket/jobs. So your data files must already be in gs://bucket/data. If you use ${COMPOSER_BUCKET}, and the DAG has been run at least once, the data files will be present. For DNN models the data should be named 'train.csv', 'eval.csv' and 'test.csv', for probablistic models the file must be 'btyd.csv'.

For example:

gsutil -m cp -r ${COMPOSER_BUCKET}/data .
run/mltrain.sh local data
run/mltrain.sh train ${COMPOSER_BUCKET}
run/mltrain.sh tune gs://your-bucket

For probablistic models:

run/mltrain.sh local data --model_type paretonbd_model --threshold_date 2011-08-08 --predict_end 2011-12-12

Disclaimer: This is not an official Google product

[1]: Dua, D. and Karra Taniskidou, E. (2017). UCI Machine Learning Repository [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml]. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science.