
lupan's change directory (with less typing)

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

lcd -- lupan's change directory

lcd is a tool to easily find a directory in your tree of deeply nested source projects (i.e., with less typing).



To install lcd you have to run

$ go get github.com/lukpank/lcd/cmd/lcd


  1. First (if you are using bash) you have to add the following to your ~/.bashrc file

    lcd() {
        local paths
        paths=$("$HOME/go/bin/lcd" "$@")
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            cd "${paths}"
        elif [ ! -z "${paths}" ]; then
            echo "${paths}"
    _lcd() {
        local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
        COMPREPLY=( $("$HOME/go/bin/lcd" -complete "${cur}") )
    complete -F _lcd lcd

    And restart your running terminals or paste and execute the above declarations your running terminals.

  2. Next, create the directory ~/.lcd and create executable script ~/bin/lcd-update (assumes ~/bin is in your PATH) with the following content (that is just an example)

    exec find ~/src ~/go/src -type d | grep -v '/[.]git/' > ~/.lcd/cache

    And run the script with

    $ lcd-update

    You will have to rerun this script from time to time when you create new directories in ~/src and ~/go/src (or whatever your selected directories will be).


Project paths can be long and inconvenient to type.

  1. For example to enter to guru command directory with cd (provided your GOPATH is ~/go) you have to write

    ~ $ cd ~/go/src/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/guru
    guru $ █

    with lcd you just write

    ~ $ lcd guru
    guru $ █

    that was a simplest case: as there were only single directory having the last component guru (everythig after last /) thus lcd enters to this particular directory.

  2. But if we want to enter into the lcd directory we write

    ~ $ lcd lcd
    Search: █
      Change directory:
      ▸ /home/user/go/src/github.com/lukpank/lcd

    and lcd displays a menu of possible directories (here only two). You can navigate to the intended directory with arrows ( and ) or Emacs next and previous line keys (Ctrl+n and Ctrl+p) and select the intended directory with Enter. You can also use and or Ctrl+b and Ctrl+f to jump to previous and next page, respectively. lcd starts in search mode (described below), you can leave the search mode with Ctrl+U and then you can additionally use vim keys j, k, h and l to move in the menu.

  3. If we want to enter the second of the above directories we can write

    ~ $ lcd cmd/lcd
    lcd $ █

    and avoid the selection with menu (as there is only one path ending with cmd/lcd).

  4. But if we recently searched for the lcd directory we may also remember that the intended directory was the second item of the menu so we can write

    ~ $ lcd lcd 2
    lcd $ █

    to enter to the second of the directories. (note: the order may change if we updated the cache with lcd-update or deleted some of the directories).

  5. We configured lcd with bash completions so we can write

    ~ $ lcd glpk<TAB><TAB>
    glpk       glpk-4.65
    ~ $ lcd glpk█

    and after hitting TAB twice the list of possible completion of the glpk will be displayed (here we do have two directories having last component starting with glpk).

  6. We could also complete paths for which one before last element is cmd by writing

    ~ $ lcd cmd/<TAB><TAB>█
    Display all 101 possibilities? (y or n)

    there are 101 such paths so we can list them all or try to be more specific by providing at least one letter of the intended final directory component.

  7. As mentioned before, lcd menu starts in search mode so after giving the final component of the path on the command line you can also filter with one of more words like below:

    ~ $ lcd cmd
    Search: github.com golang█
      Change directory:
      ▸ /home/user/go/src/github.com/golang/freetype/cmd

    Only paths containing all of the words as substrings will be displayed in the menu. You can prepend a word with ! to filter out given word from the menu. Hitting Ctrl+U twice leaves and reenters the search mode and clears the search string.



See also

There is a general purpose console menu with fuzzy search called skim (written in Rust).