
Docker + MongoDB + Nodejs

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Side Chatter Service


  • Nodejs(Typescript)
  • Database MongoDB
  • Dockerized


You must have the following installed in your local machine

  • Docker CE, at least version 19.03.5
  • Docker Compose, at least version 1.25.2
  • Nodejs v8.12.0
  • Docker images: mongo:latest, node:latest

Expecting from you

  • Advance knowlegde on the following: Docker, Docker Compose and Nodejs
  • Basic understanding of the following: bash scripting, postman and jest
  • Familiar with issues of Docker in your current machine/environment, and how to resolve it

API Endpoints

POST /orgs/:org-name/comments - create comments


curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"comment":""Looking to hire SE Asia's top dev talent!"}' \

GET /orgs/:org-name/comments - return array of all the comments

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request GET \

DELETE /orgs/:org-name/comments - soft delete all comments

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request DELETE \

GET /orgs/:org-name/members/ - array of members of an organization

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request GET \

Running the application


Build the docker image for production by running npm run clean && npm run prodbuild. After the build, you can now push it to your image repo like AWS ECR or any docker image repositories you have.

AWS ECR/ECS Example:

$ aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region us-west-2
$ docker tag $IMAGE_NAME:latest <ecr_url>/$IMAGE_NAME:latest
$ docker push <ecr_url>/$IMAGE_NAME:latest
$ aws ecs update-service --service <ecr_url>/$PROD_APP --force-new-deployment --cluster $PROD_APP --region ap-southeast-1

Make sure to set required environment variables as only the NODE_ENV=test is sourcing its environment through file.

Checking production image

You can check the production image by running npm run prodcheck. Basically the script will just create db instance, same as what used in testing, and create a temporary container from the production image using the environment variables found in ./envs/test.env. The confirmation of image if it is working or not if the created container will respond on tcp calls.

Local Development

Since we are dockerizing our development, below is our workflow.

  • To start the development, just run npm run devstart
  • To stop the development, just run npm run devstop
  • To install new package, just run ./scripts/dc exec web npm install <package_name>

You can update ./docker/docker-compose.yml to compliment your workflow.

If you messed up or something is not working, just try resetting your containers by rebuilding it again. If you do not know how, follow these steps:

  • Stop containers db and web by running ./scripts/dc down; then
  • Remove them by running ./scripts/dc rm; then
  • Run npm run devstart

Browsing the app

You can browse it at http://localhost. See ./docker/docker-compose.yml for more details.

Required Environment Variables

Environment File Template

# Environment Variables

# App Specific
SESSION_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --> sha256 string
GITHUB_PAT=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --> Generate your own personal access token from your github account

# DB Specific

Verbose Logging

We are using winston logger and daily rotate file. To help you debug more on development you can see the logs coming from docker-compose log by running ./scripts/dc log -f.

Running test

Unit Tests

Test runs db query and we need to have a mongodb instance. Follow the steps below on how to run test:

  • Make sure to have ./envs/test.env prepared, see template for env above. Make sure NODE_ENV is set to test

  • Run one run test, by

$ npm install && npm run test
  • Or, if on TDD, by
$ npm install && npm run tdd

npm run test, by sequence, will run the following:

  • Sourcing ./scripts/testdb.up.sh - to create the test db instance
  • Sourcing ./scripts/wait-for - to make sure npm test will run only if the test db instance is already up
  • npm test - will run jest
  • Sourcing ./scripts/testdb.down.sh - to stop and remove the test db instance

Code Coverage with Jest

We got 92% code coverage. Yahoo!

Code Coverage

E2E using Postman

You can import the postman collection file ./scs.postman_collection.json and environment file ./scs.postman_environment.json to integrate it with postman for e2e testing. You can try running it against your local development and automate it using collection runner from postman.

See this link to learn more.

Running e2e using collection runner in postman



  • Use local development workflow to execute test
  • Non-dockerized approach workflow
  • Authorization using JWT
  • Clean ./scripts/*.sh files


  • ./envs/production.env file isn't included to .gitignore forsake of easy verification and since all of the envs are using same environment variables' values