
Bindings to the `cuda` and `nvrtc` libraries with a unified interface

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT


Bindings to the NVIDIA cuda and nvrtc libraries with a unified interface.

Requires a recent version of CUDA.

Paraphrased from the SAXPY example:

let kernel =
  {| extern "C" __global__ void saxpy(float a, float *x, float *y, float *out, size_t n) { ... } |}
module Cu = Cudajit
let prog = Cu.compile_to_ptx ~cu_src:kernel ~name:"saxpy" ~options:[ "--use_fast_math" ] ~with_debug:true
let () =
  Cu.init ();
  let device = Cu.device_get ~ordinal:0 in
  let context = Cu.ctx_create ~flags:0 device in
  let module_ = Cu.module_load_data_ex prog [] in
  let kernel = Cu.module_get_function module_ ~name:"saxpy" in
  let hX =
    Bigarray.Genarray.init Bigarray.Float32 Bigarray.C_layout [| size |] (fun idx -> Float.of_int idx.(0)) in
  let dX = Cu.alloc_and_memcpy hX in
  let dOut = Cu.alloc_and_memcpy hOut in
  Cu.launch_kernel kernel ~grid_dim_x:num_blocks ~block_dim_x:num_threads ~shared_mem_bytes:0 Cu.no_stream
      Single a;
      Tensor dX;
      Tensor dY;
      Tensor dOut;
      Size_t Unsigned.Size_t.(mul (of_int num_threads) @@ of_int num_blocks);
  Cu.ctx_synchronize ();
  Cu.memcpy_D_to_H ~dst:hOut ~src:dOut ();
  Cu.mem_free dX;
  Cu.module_unload module_;
  (* Keep the context alive up till here. *)
  ignore (Sys.opaque_identity context)

(the ... are parts omitted for presentation brevity). You can see how a kernel is compiled and launched, how on-device tensors are created, retrieved to host (i.e. the CPU), and released.

Note that you don't need to add the include path to the compile_to_ptx options.

Automatically generated API docs.