
build ubuntu:latest image with nginx and pmwiki

Primary LanguageDockerfile

pmwiki Dockerfile and build pipeline

I made a docker container version the pmwiki application based on ubuntu:latest OCI container

pmwiki 2.x.x / Ubuntu latest docker image building

A github action creates an ubuntu latest based docker version of the wiki and pushes it to dockerhub on a regular basis.

special builds for a specific version can be found on dockerhub lukystreik/volx-rz-pmwiki

Version history

Version Date
2.3.18 15.01.2023
2.3.17 31.12.2022
2.3.20 01.03.2023
2.3.21 06.03.2023

Benefits of the volx-rz-pmwiki

  • hardened nginx with security header included
  • all current pmwiki and ubuntu security patches included.
  • low servity level on the final image (no critical CVEs)
  • Layer sqashing if possible in the CI environment (docker build experimental feature has to be enabled) to reduce the container size and false positive scan results of vulnerabilitiy tools.

The github CI pipeline

###automatic build with github action

automatic build every month with github action script

scripts are located in .github subdir

Container runtime usage

how to use it

docker runtime base environment

You should set the timezone ENV in your deployment (docker-compose or sth. else).



mkdir -p wiki.d
chown 33:33 -R wiki.d
docker-compose -d 


open http://x.x.x.x:33380

sample docker-compose.yml

version: '3'

    image: lukystreik/volx-rz-pmwiki:latest
      - "./wikibasedir/wiki.d:/var/www/html/wiki.d"
      - "./wikibasedir/cookbook:/var/www/html/cookbook"
      - "./wikibasedir/pub:/var/www/html/pub"
      - "./wikibasedir/local:/var/www/html/local"
      - "./wikibasedir/uploads:/var/www/html/uploads"
      - "33380:80"  # expose 33380

convert files from prev. 1.x pmwiki Version from iso-8859-1 to utf-8

apt-get update && apt-get install convmv

unset LC_ALL

convmv -f iso-8859-15 -t utf-8 --notest *