
A cross-platform demo of asp.net core web api

Primary LanguageC#

My Web Api App

A cross-platform demo of asp.net core web api.

How to build

Install the .NET Core from dot.net, then resolve dependencies and build

$ dotnet restore
$ dotnet build

Setup database

Install docker and start up postgresql database

$ docker-compose up -d

migrate database using entity framework.

$ dotnet ef database update

Running Using Kestrel

Application default listening at http://localhost:5000, i.e API can access by http://localhost:5000/api/products

$ dotnet run


Using docker to deploy, run below commands to resolve dependencies and publish the app

$ dotnet restore
$ dotnet build -c release
$ dotnet publish -c release -o app
$ docker build -t dr:5000/dotnetcore-demo .

start api service, it will start up a container AspNetCoreWebApiApp_WEB

$ docker-compose up -d

test the api

$ curl http://YOUR_SERVER/api/products