

This is the repo of the STACOM2023 paper Voxel2Hemodynamics: An End-to-end Deep Learning Method for Predicting Coronary Artery Hemodynamics. End to End Hemodynamic Prediction Framework


This repo contains an end to end framework to get the hemodynamics prediction of coronary artery given a dcm image. First we generate pointcloud data from dcm and then use pointnet++ to predict the hemodynamics. Here are only part of the code for the paper and this repo is still being updated.


cd Voxel2Hemodynamics
pip install -r requirement.txt

Directory Structure

├── checkpoints (please download the weight and create this directory yourself)
├── data
    ├── test_data
├── data_utils
├── README.md
├── models
    ├── pointnet2_sem_seg.py(point cloud module)
├── DDP_test.sh
├── config-predict.yaml
└── mtools(segmentation and vectorization module)


After the prediction, the visualization result of the prediction can be get using the software Paraview the link for download this software is: https://www.paraview.org/