- 1
- 4
- 0
Multiple hard constraints problem setups
#1909 opened by lihangshiwo - 0
Bug in when handling a list of losses
#1907 opened by isaingit - 0
how to use multiple GPUs without horovod
#1906 opened by flashal1 - 3
#1881 opened by flashal1 - 1
about domain decomposition
#1872 opened by youshijiuli - 1
- 1
the possibility of parallel computing on tf2
#1860 opened by WeCcRy - 3
- 0
Network not learning the ODE in inverse problem
#1883 opened by isaingit - 1
Is there a demo/code/model available for Fourier-MIONet?
#1758 opened by dezenn - 2
Clarification on how to specigy loss weights
#1868 opened by isaingit - 0
Encode symmetric condition onto the governing equation
#1875 opened by Xupeng-Sui - 1
- 1
“How to import elevation data?”
#1825 opened by shilf123 - 0
No Training Data Error
#1867 opened by ArtemioA - 0
- 8
L-BFGS optimizer stops at exactly 30 iterations, no matter the values of its parameters.
#1819 opened by enm72 - 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
integrating solver/data into PI-DeepOnet
#1842 opened by erkara - 1
Hard-constraint Neumann boundary condition
#1837 opened by c-straub - 0
Bug in
#1851 opened by bonneted - 0
Is this hybrid quantum-classical PINN code correct for solving the Lorenz system?
#1847 opened by AHDMarwan - 1
1D shallow water
#1844 opened by yang1805524385 - 1
About ResNet
#1831 opened by HUKAIR - 0
Inverse problems variables failed to converge
#1829 opened by AliaNajwaMY - 8
Question on Learning Function from Formula
#1816 opened by LHLevin - 4
- 1
boundary number error
#1789 opened by bmemlh - 1
multiple inputs and mixed data inputs by DEEPXDE
#1785 opened by ITcooker-liu - 2
Implementing a free slip BC on a cylinder
#1777 opened by giakbottacini - 2
Save only the best model files
#1787 opened by ricardo-ervilha - 3
- 1
Setting Custom Initial Weights in a Neural Network
#1771 opened by saltinefarmer - 1
PDE error evaluated on bc points in PDE.losses but not used by following codes
#1756 opened by mynanshan - 1
Polygon PeriodicBC Problem
#1736 opened by siwuxei - 0
How to give different inputs for subnetworks in PFNN
#1735 opened by bottle88 - 8
PDE with additional parameters
#1762 opened by HumbertHumbert7 - 1
Support for Data Loader
#1765 opened by dezenn - 4
ImportError check_pandas_support
#1754 opened by aoguedao - 0
Operator prediction becomes constant
#1755 opened by dezenn - 1
- 2
Model doesnot converge even after trying everything
#1739 opened by Luv-crypto - 2
#1741 opened by HumbertHumbert7 - 0
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- 0
Hi, I read the changes you made for deepxde and I have some similar questions I would like to ask you
#1728 opened by crrvst127