In this lab, you'll be able to practice your cross-validation skills!
You will be able to:
- Perform cross validation on a model to determine optimal model performance
- Compare training and testing errors to determine if model is over or underfitting
We included the code to pre-process below.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
ames = pd.read_csv('ames.csv')
continuous = ['LotArea', '1stFlrSF', 'GrLivArea', 'SalePrice']
categoricals = ['BldgType', 'KitchenQual', 'SaleType', 'MSZoning', 'Street', 'Neighborhood']
ames_cont = ames[continuous]
# log features
log_names = [f'{column}_log' for column in ames_cont.columns]
ames_log = np.log(ames_cont)
ames_log.columns = log_names
# normalize (subract mean and divide by std)
def normalize(feature):
return (feature - feature.mean()) / feature.std()
ames_log_norm = ames_log.apply(normalize)
# one hot encode categoricals
ames_ohe = pd.get_dummies(ames[categoricals], prefix=categoricals, drop_first=True)
preprocessed = pd.concat([ames_log_norm, ames_ohe], axis=1)
X = preprocessed.drop('SalePrice_log', axis=1)
y = preprocessed['SalePrice_log']
Perform a train-test split with a test set of 20%.
# Import train_test_split from sklearn.model_selection
# Split the data into training and test sets (assign 20% to test set)
# A brief preview of train-test split
print(len(X_train), len(X_test), len(y_train), len(y_test))
Fit a linear regression model and apply the model to make predictions on test set
# Your code here
Calculate the residuals and the mean squared error on the test set
# Your code here
Write a function kfolds()
that splits a dataset into k evenly sized pieces. If the full dataset is not divisible by k, make the first few folds one larger then later ones.
We want the folds to be a list of subsets of data!
def kfolds(data, k):
# Force data as pandas DataFrame
# add 1 to fold size to account for leftovers
return None
# Make sure to concatenate the data again
ames_data = None
# Apply kfolds() to ames_data with 5 folds
Perform linear regression on each and calculate the training and test error:
test_errs = []
train_errs = []
for n in range(k):
# Split in train and test for the fold
train = None
test = None
# Fit a linear regression model
# Evaluate Train and Test errors
# print(train_errs)
# print(test_errs)
This was a bit of work! Now, let's perform 5-fold cross-validation to get the mean squared error through scikit-learn. Let's have a look at the five individual MSEs and explain what's going on.
# Your code here
Next, calculate the mean of the MSE over the 5 cross-validation and compare and contrast with the result from the train-test split case.
# Your code here
Congratulations! You are now familiar with cross-validation and know how to use cross_val_score()
. Remember that the results obtained from cross-validation are robust and always use it whenever possible!