
Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

TC Build Assistant

What is BDD Assistant?

BDD Assistant is an open source project that pretends to facilitate the creation and execution of Behavior Driven Development (BDD) stories as a way to better define the requirements. More info can be found in the BDD Asssitant site.

Software is still in early stages. We are looking for early adopters to help us out. If you are interested in trying it out, please send an email to viktor@farcic.com for any help that you might need.

Running the application

To compile and run the application from the release

Install Scala, Play/Activator and SBT Download the release from https://github.com/TechnologyConversations/TechnologyConversationsBdd/releases.

sbt clean stage

Open the http://localhost:9000 in you favorite browser.

To compile and run the application in production mode

Install Scala, Play/Activator and SBT

git clone https://github.com/TechnologyConversations/TechnologyConversationsBdd.git
sbt clean stage

Open the http://localhost:9000 in you favorite browser.

To run the application in development mode (re-compiles with every change to the code)

Install Scala, Play/Activator and SBT

git clone https://github.com/TechnologyConversations/TechnologyConversationsBdd.git
sbt run

Open the http://localhost:9000 in you favorite browser.

Running the stories

In cases when running stories from the Web application is not a good option, an alternative runner can be executed from the command line.

To see the list of parameters, run the following:

sbt "test:run-main models.jbehave.JBehaveRunnerAssistant --help"

An example (used as part of our Travis setup):

sbt "test:run-main models.jbehave.JBehaveRunnerAssistant --story_path data/stories/tcbdd/**/*.story -P browser=phantomjs -P url=http://localhost:1234 -P widthHeight=1024,768 --composites_path composites/TcBddComposites.groovy"

Development prerequisites


Scala Play/Activator SBT


NodeJS with NPM



npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g gulp
npm install -g bower
npm install -D gulp-jasmine
npm install

IDEA project

Use the gen-idea sbt task to create Idea project files.

sbt gen-idea


Front-end dependencies can be installed by running following

npm install
bower install

npm and bower will add two directories:

  • public/node_modules
  • public/bower_components


Front-end files need to pass the process of concatenation, uglification, annotation, testing...

To prepare front-end files execute:


To continuously run gulp js task, execute:

gulp watch

Deployment to Heroku

heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi.git
git push heroku master

Deployment to development environment

sbt run

Unit Tests


All front-end JS unit tests are run as part of gulp. Alternative ways to run tests are described below.

Front-end unit testing

npm test

Front-end unit testing without installation and dependencies

grunt jasmine


Back-end unit testing

sbt ~test-quick

Functional Tests

Directory where PhantomJS, ChromeDriver and IEDriverServer are located must be in the system path.