
GitHub user search app using the GitHub users API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


GitHub user search app using the GitHub users API

Table of contents



task screen


My process

Built with

  • React - JS library
  • tailwind - Css framework
  • React Query for data fetching and REST API
  • Framer motion - Animation
  • react Router v6 - Routing
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • custom css - For styles

What I learned

in this project my implementation to the CRUD concept fast due to the last knwoledge i had in the cokit app . i learned how to deal with REST api and how to fetch data from it using react query i improved my folder structure method and i tried to manage my state without using a state management library. i managed to deal with mutable states and achieving better performance .

Continued development

some of the things that im trying to focus on is working with new frameworks like nextJs for SSR and either flutter or React Native for hybird dev also learning typeScript for type safety .

Useful resources

chat gpt and each framwork docs are enough for me to create this app .
