
Pentest challenge - Become root in multiple ways

Primary LanguageShell


Exploit an ISO and become root, 2 different methods must be found and the ISO cannot be modified.


Penetration testing or Pen testing is a security exercise where a cyber-security expert attempts to find and exploit vulnerabilities in a computer system. The purpose of this simulated attack is to identify any weak spots in a system’s defenses which attackers could take advantage of.


We found 5 methods to root the machine, 1 writeup is given for every solution. Here is a list of the topics (be sure to check writeup files to get the details for each steps).

Writeup 1: The "normal" way

  • Reconnaissance phase
  • HTTP enumeration
  • Exploiting a file upload vulnerability
  • Obtain credentials by scouting the machine
  • Investigate on clues left in the machine
  • Exploit a binary to pop a root shell

From now on, we can reuse credentials found by our scouting phase done earlier to obtain an SSH access without the need to perform those operations again.

Writeup 2: Create a root user

  • From the scouting phase, we had some information about the OS of our target, the kernel is a linux one in its version <4.8.3
  • Those versions are affected by the Dirty COW vulnerability
  • Send the file scripts/script2 on the target machine via the scp protocol
  • This script will exploit a race condition in order to perform a privilege escalation, we will be able to write where we normally can't
  • The password is infected

Writeup 3: Edit the init script via GRUB

  • Holding Shift during boot can bring up the GRUB menu
  • Edit the init script for our live device live init=/bin/sh
  • The device will boot and give us a root shell since the init daemon will execute /bin/sh

Writeup 4: Change the password of root

  • This exploit uses the pokemon exploit of the dirtycow vulnerability
  • Send the file scripts/script4 on the target machine via the scp protocol
  • Wait until the script completes, the password of root will be changed to root

Writeup 5: Hide a sudo user

  • An user will get his privileges raised
  • To do so, we will exploit a binary with an obfuscated polymorphed shellcode, since we need to overcome the restrictions of the binary
  • This user will be hidden in a non-conventional place /etc/sudoers.d/README this file is interpreted and is a valid place to hide sudo users