
A Rails 7 (Ruby 3.1.0) plugin for connecting Db2 with rails app by using ODBC connection.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version

A Rails 7 (Ruby v3.1.0) plugin for connecting Db2 with Rails appplication by using ODBC connection. Db2Query execute plain SQL instead of using query builder

Note: Tested at Rails 7.1.2 on Ruby v3.1.0

1. Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'db2_query'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install db2_query


You need to make sure you have unixODBC installed on your machine before doing the installation.

For Mac OS, you need to install ruby-odbc before running the installation. First check the location of the unixODBC installation and use the directory in the installation command's argument. Read more.

2. Initialization

Execute db2query:init task at the app root to create database configurations and initializer file.

$ rake db2query:init
      create  config/db2query.yml
      create  config/initializers/db2query.rb

Complete the configurations by editing the files according to your application requirement.

Database Configuration

File config/db2query.yml consist of DSN/database name and connection pool config:

  dsn: LIBDEV
  idle: 5
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5
  dsn: LIBTEST
  idle: 5
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5
  dsn: LIBPROD
  idle: 5
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5

Key idle is a client idle maximum limit value (in minutes) to avoid the client being disconnected by the host server. Setting this value to zero will lead to an "ODBC driver Communication Link Failure. Comm rc 10054 . CWBCO1047" error after your application idle in a certain period of time.

Ensure that unixodbc has been installed and test your connection first by using isql commands.

Initializer File

This file is used by Db2Query::Base to load field types configurations and establish a connection instance.

# app_root/config/initializers/db2query.rb

require "db2_query"

Db2Query::Base.initiation do |base|
  base.set_field_types  # or base.set_field_types(CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPES) if you have CUSTOM TYPES

Custom Field Type

FieldTypes are classes that are used by Db2Query to format the data before sending it to the database by using serialize method and deserialize the returned query result data by converting the query result before consumed by your Rails application. Both serialize and deserialize operations are only applied when you provide QueryDefinitions on your query.

By default, there are ten field types that can be used in your query definitions :

    binary: Db2Query::Type::Binary,
    boolean:  Db2Query::Type::Boolean,
    string: Db2Query::Type::String,
    varchar: Db2Query::Type::String,
    longvarchar: Db2Query::Type::String,
    decimal: Db2Query::Type::Decimal,
    integer: Db2Query::Type::Integer,
    date: Db2Query::Type::Date,
    time: Db2Query::Type::Time,
    timestamp: Db2Query::Type::Timestamp

You can use your own Field type class by extending Db2Query::Type::Value class. For example:

  class CustomTypeClass < Db2Query::Type::Value
    # Method to convert data from ruby type value into data that is understood by Db2
    def serialize(value)
      # Your logic

    # Method to convert Db2 database output data type that is recognized by your rails app
    def deserialize(value)
      # Your logic

Then put the classes into a field types hash constant and load it into the Db2Query::Base by using set_field_types method in the initializer file.

# app_root/config/initializers/db2query.rb

require "db2_query"

   binary: CustomBinaryTypeClass
   integer: CustomIntegerTypeClass
   string: CustomStringTypeClass

Db2Query::Base.initiation do |base|

3. Usage

Once you completely do the Installation & Initialization steps, basically you has been ready to use Db2Query::Base. There are three additional rules that help Db2Query run properly: SQL Convention, Field Type Convention, and Argument Key Convention.

SQL Convention:

A colon : is used as the prefix of all column names of provided Parameterized Query SQL string. It is used in determining query arguments key and value binding process. We have to provide it manually in the SQL string of each Parameterized Query. Here, Parameterized Query is used to minimize SQL injection risks.

# SQL Convention Examples
# Example of Parameterized Query SQL usage

Db2Query::Base.query("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE email = :email", "my_account@email.com")

# Example of Normal SQL usage

Db2Query::Base.query("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE email = 'my_account@email.com'")

Field Type Convention:

Query definition's field_name written in query_definition block must be in downcased format.

# Field Type Convention Example

module Definitions
  class UsersQueryDefinitions < Db2Query::Definitions
    def describe
      query_definition :all do |c|
        c.id          :integer
        c.first_name  :varchar
        c.last_name   :varchar
        c.email       :varchar

Argument Key Convention:

The letter case of a Named Argument key that passed into a query, has to follow its parameter letter case format that is written in the SQL. The argument key is case-sensitive. If the parameter in your SQL is written in downcase format, then your argument key has to be in downcase format too, and vice versa.

# Argument Key Convention Example

class MyQuery < Db2Query::Base
  query :find_by, <<-SQL

MyQuery.find_user_by_id id: 10000

3.1 Basic Usage

Base Class Query Methods

#query(sql, args)

A raw query to perform a connection.run(sql, args) operation and returns an array of hashes representing each row record being executed.

Db2Query::Base.query("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE id < :id", 10003)
=> [{:id=>10000, :first_name=>"Taisha", :last_name=>"Kutch", :email=>"willie.lesch@toy.org"}, {:id=>10001, :first_name=>"Setsuko", :last_name=>"Kutch", :email=>"thelma@purdy.co"}, {:id=>10002, :first_name=>"Trina", :last_name=>"Mayer", :email=>"dorsey_upton@flatley-gulgowski.name"}]

Execute the SELECT Statement SQL and returns collections of arrays consisting of row values.

Db2Query::Base.query_rows("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE id < 10003")
=> [[10000, "Taisha", "Kutch", "willie.lesch@toy.org"], [10001, "Setsuko", "Kutch", "thelma@purdy.co"], [10002, "Trina", "Mayer", "dorsey_upton@flatley-gulgowski.name"]]

Execute the SELECT Statement SQL and returns the first value of the query results first row.

Db2Query::Base.query_value("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE id < 10003")
=> 10000

Execute the SELECT Statement SQL and returns a collection of the first value of each query result rows.

Db2Query::Base.query_values("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE id < 10003")
=> [10000, 10001, 10002]
#execute(sql, args)

A method to execute DUI Statement SQL by using connection.do(sql, args)

Db2Query::Base.execute("DELETE FROM users WHERE id = :id", 10000)
=> -1

3.2 QueryDefinitions

3.2.1 Query Field Definitions

QueryDefinitions is helpful when you need formatter methods that serialize the data before it being sent to the database and deserialize database output data before being consumed by Rails application. The real examples are Binary and Boolean field types. At Db2Query::Type::Binary, the data unpacked by serialize method before sending to the database and do deserialize operation to pack the database returned data. QueryDefinition can be used as Query Schema where the field types of a query are outlined. The field-type written in QueryDefinition has to follow the Field Type Convention.

A QueryDefinitions reside in app_root/app/queries/definitions directory. It is automatically created when you create your query by running rails g query query_name generator command. The QueryDefinitions class can be defined as follow:

# app_root/app/queries/definitions/your_query_definitions.rb
module Definitions
  class YourQueryDefinitions < Db2Query::Definitions
    def describe  # method that is used by Db2Query to describe your query definition
      query_definition :your_first_query_name do |c|
        c.field_name     :field_type, options

      query_definition :your_next_query_name do |c|
        c.field_name     :field_type, options

For Example:

# app_root/app/queries/definitions/users_query_definitions.rb

module Definitions
  class UsersQueryDefinitions < Db2Query::Definitions
    def describe
      query_definition :all do |c|
        c.id          :integer
        c.first_name  :varchar
        c.last_name   :varchar
        c.email       :varchar

      query_definition :insert do |c|
        c.id          :integer
        c.first_name  :varchar
        c.last_name   :varchar
        c.email       :varchar

3.2.2 Query Argument Types

Sometimes, the query arguments do not exist in query definitions fields. In such a case, a Db2Query::QueryArgumentError will be raised. So, we have to provide query argument types at the Query class.

module NameSpace
  class QueryName < Db2Query::Base
    query_arguments :user_by_email, { email: :string, trim: true }

    def user_by_email_sql
      "SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM USERS WHERE email = :email"

3.3 Generator

Create query class by using rails g query NAME commands. For example:

$ rails g query NameSpace::Name --defines=first_query --queries=next_query  --lambdas=last_query
    create app/queries/name_space/name_query.rb
    create app/queries/definitions/name_space/name_query_definitions.rb
    create test/queries/name_space/name_query_test.rb

This will create app/queries/name_space/name_query.rb file in app/queries directory.

module NameSpace
  class Name < Db2Query::Base
    def first_query_sql


    query :next_query, <<-SQL


    query :last_query, -> {

# app_root/app/queries/definitions/name_space/name_query.rb

module Definitions
  module NameSpace
    class NameQueryDefinition < Db2Query::Definitions
      def describe  # method that is used by Db2Query to describe your query definition
        query_definition :first_query do |c|


        query_definition :next_query do |c|


        query_definition :last_query do |c|


Please run rails g query --help to get more information on how to use the file generator.

3.4 Queries Methods

In a Query class that extends Db2Query::Base class, there are 3 ways of query implementation:

class MyQuery < Db2Query::Base
  # 1. Plain Query (--defines)
  def query_name_sql

  # 2. String Query (--queries)
  query :query_name, <<-SQL

  # 3. Lambda Query (--lambdas)
  query :query_name, -> args {
    # implement fetch, fetch_list, and exec_query
     fetch("YOUR AMAZING SQL", args)

3.4.1 Plain Query (--defines)

Query implementation that uses the plain method. The method name must have a _sql suffix and return SQL statement string.


class MyQuery < Db2Query::Base
  def all_users_sql

  def find_user_by_id_sql
    "SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE id = :id"

3.4.2 String Query (--queries)

Query implementation that uses the built-in query method. The input arguments consist of query_name symbol and SQL statement


class MyQuery < Db2Query::Base
  query :all_users, <<-SQL

  query :find_user_by_id, <<-SQL

3.4.3 Lambda Query (--lambdas)

Query implementation that uses the built-in query method. The input arguments consist of the query_name symbol and a lambda function. We have to pass args as the arguments of a lambda function. Do not change the args with let's say -> id, email { ... }. Just leave it written as args. The args is used by Db2Query::Base to store query_name and the other arg inputs.


class MyQuery < Db2Query::Base
  query :all_users, -> args {
    fetch("SELECT * FROM USERS", args)

  query :find_user_by_id, -> args {
    fetch("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE id = :id", args)

Then you can call all three example with the same methods:

irb(main):001:0> MyQuery.all_users
=> #<Db2Query::Result [#<Record id: 10000, first_name: Yohanes, ...]>

irb(main):001:0> MyQuery.find_user_by_id 10000
  SQL (3.0ms)  SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE id = ?  [["id", 10000]]
=> #<Db2Query::Result [#<Record id: 10004, first_name: Yohanes, ...]>

If you pass a key-value argument into query, the key has to follow Argument Key Convention

irb(main):001:0> MyQuery.find_user_by_id(id: 10000)
  SQL (3.0ms)  SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE id = ?  [["id", 10000]]
=> #<Db2Query::Result [#<Record id: 10004, first_name: Yohanes, ...]>

And use it at your application

users = MyQuery.all
user_records = users.records
user_1 = user_records.first
user_1.id         # => 10000
user_1.first_name # => "Yohanes"
user_1.last_name  # => "Lumentut"
user_1.email      # => "yohanes@github.com"

user_1 == users.record   # => true

user = MyQuery.find_user_by_id id: 10000
user.id         # => 10000
user.first_name # => "Yohanes"
user.last_name  # => "Lumentut"
user.email      # => "yohanes@github.com"

3.5 SQL extension (@extension)

For the sake of reusable SQL string, we can reuse the most commonly used SQL part by implementing sql_with_extension methods with an SQL string argument contain @extension pointer at SQL statement.

class MyQuery < Db2Query::Base
  # reusable SQL
  _SQL = -> extension {
    sql_with_extension("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE @extension", extension)

  # implementation
  query :user_by_email, _SQL.("email = :email")
irb(main):001:0> MyQuery.user_by_email email: "yohanes@github.com"
  SQL (2.7ms)  SELECT * FROM USERS email = ?  [["email", "yohanes@github.com"]]
=> #<Db2Query::Result [#<Record id: 10000, first_name: Yohanes, ...]>
user = MyQuery.user_by_email "yohanes@github.com"
user.id         # => 10000
user.first_name # => "Yohanes"
user.last_name  # => "Lumentut"
user.email      # => "yohanes@github.com"

3.6 List input (@list)

For an array consist list of inputs, we can use fetch_list method and @list pointer at the SQL statement.

class MyQuery < Db2Query::Base
  query :user_by_ids, -> args {
    fetch_list("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE ID IN (@list)", args)
irb(main):007:0> MyQuery.user_by_ids [10000,10001,10002]
  SQL (2.8ms)  SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE ID IN ('10000', '10001', '10002')
=> #<Db2Query::Result [#<Record id: 10000, name: "Carol", last_name: "Danvers", email: "captain.marvel@marvel.universe.com">, #<Record id: 10001, first_name: "Natasha", last_name: "Romanova", email: "black.widow@marvel.universe">, #<Record id: 10002, first_name: "Wanda", last_name: "Maximoff", email: "scarlet.witch@marvel.universe.com">]>
users = MyQuery.user_by_ids [10000,10001,10002]
user = users.first
user == users.record # => true

user.id         # => 10000
user.first_name # => "Carol"
user.last_name  # => "Danvers"
user.email      # => "captain.marvel@marvel.universe.com"

3.7 Formatter

For the latest version of Db2Query, there is no more Db2Query::Formatter class. We can implement our formater into deserialize method of our QueryDefinitions.

If you upgrade from the previous version, you have to run rake db2query:init again to override the initializer. Please create a backup of your Formatter classes before you do this operation. Then you can implement your Formatter methods into your QueryDefinitions.

4. Available Result Object methods

Db2Query::Result inherit all ActiveRecord::Result methods with additional custom methods:

  1. records to convert query result into an array of Result query's Record objects.
  2. record to get the first Record Object of Result query.
  3. to_h to convert query result into an array of hashes with symbolized keys.

5. ActiveRecord Combination

Create an abstract class that inherits from ActiveRecord::Base. We have to implement splat operator correctly at the arguments to make it works.

class Db2Record < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.abstract_class = true

  def self.query(sql, args)
    Db2Query::Base.query(sql, *args)

Utilize the goodness of rails model scope

class User < Db2Record
  scope :by_name, -> *args {
    query("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE first_name = :first_name AND last_name = :last_name", args)
User.by_name first_name: "Strange", last_name: "Stephen"
SQL Load (3.28ms)  SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE first_name = ? AND last_name = ? [["first_name", Strange], ["last_name", Stephen]]
=> [{:id=> 10000, :first_name=> "Strange", :last_name=> "Stephen", :email=> "strange@marvel.universe.com"}]

Another example:

class User < Db2Record
  scope :age_gt, -> *args {
    query("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE age > ?", args)
User.age_gt 500
SQL Load (3.28ms)  SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE age > 500
=> [{:id=> 99999, :first_name=> "Ancient", :last_name=> "One", :email=> "ancientone@marvel.universe.com"}]

6. Examples

For complete examples please see the basic examples here. Please see Db2Session for REST and GraphQL implementation of multi-user on the remote server.

7. Test

To run a development test:

$ bin/test test
    Db2 Version     : DB2 v11.5.8.0

8. License

The gem is available as open-source under the terms of the MIT License.