

To be able to run the project you need to scrap the data from Star API. For this project we run the following script to get the data from the API on a NAS for 2 months.

import os
import datetime
from time import sleep
from requests import request

# send request the API and get the response
def get_response():
    isNotConnected = True
    while isNotConnected:
            response = request("GET","")
            return response.json()
        except Exception as e:

while True:
    # open the create file with date and time on name
    time ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
    with open('Data/bus_{}.txt'.format(time), 'w') as f:
        # get the response
        response = get_response()
        # write the response in the file
        for record in response['records']:
            f.write(str(record['fields']) + '\n')

    # count the number of file in the folder Data
    number_of_file = len([name for name in os.listdir('Data/')])
    print(number_of_file, time)
    sleep(29) # sleep 29 secondes to get the data every 30 secondes

At the end of the scrapping we have 14.1 Go.

Link to the data we scrap :


Remove the indicative file from the folders and copy the data to the Data folder.


Look at the data and the pre-analysis in the Date.ipynb notebook.


Run the Date.ipynb notebook to see a preview of the data and pre-analysis.

Data cleaning

run the following command to create a copy of the data in the Data folder (create a DataCopy folder).

python3 ./generator/

Data analysis video

run the following command to create a video of the data.

python3 ./

You can see the video we made with the data.


(open the image in a new tab to see it in full size and zoom in) Look at the code in the HeatMap.ipynb notebook. Run the HeatMap.ipynb notebook to generate the heatmap.