
WordPress plugin that adds syntax highlighting to the Post/Page HTML editor

Primary LanguageJavaScript


HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter

Add syntax highlighting in the Classic Post & Page HTML text editor, Gutenberg Code Editor, and Theme & Plugin editors using Codemirror.js


  • Syntax highlighting in the Post/Page HTML editor
  • NEW: Syntax highlighting in the Gutenberg Code Editor (not Visual Editor)
  • Syntax highlighting in the Theme & Plugin editors
  • Syntax highlighting for WordPress [shortcodes/]
  • Save your posts and pages pressing Ctrl+S (Cmd+S on Mac)
  • Restore cursor position after page is reloaded
  • Huge selection of themes and other customization options
  • Fullscreen mode: toggle with F11/Esc hotkeys

If you are not a developer, please use the HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter plugin page on WordPress.org to download and install it. You can also download the latest release from here.

Please Provide Your Feedback

If you're a regular user of this plugin, please consider taking a short User Experience Survey to provide feedback that will help shape the new version 3.0.


Please report any issues or suggestions.


  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Install node.js if you haven't already.
  3. Install the gulp CLI globally if you haven't already with npm install -g gulp-cli.
  4. Run npm install on the project folder.
  5. Run gulp build to build the project.

Running gulp will build the project and run it in a watch state. Making any changes to files will automatically rebuild the project. Install the LiveReload chrome browser extension and the page will reload when the project rebuilds.

Release Process

Don't manually edit the release branch. Only merge master into the release branch to update it.

  • Test it. (TODO: add a general test process).
  • Switch to master branch.
  • Add a description of the release in readme.txt & ChangeLog.md.
  • Update all version numbers including the Stable Tag.
  • Update WP Tested up to: in both places: readme.txt and hesh.php.
  • Commit with the version number in the commit note: compiling to vX.X.X.
  • Recompile with gulp package.
  • In the parallel release branch dist folder
  • Commit onto release with the version number in the commit note: updating to vX.X.X.
  • Push everything to github.
  • Test it one final time.
  • Create a new github release at Code > Releases > Draft New: vX.X.X @ Target:release, Add relevant release notes from ChangeLog.md.
  • Close the github issues related to the release with a comment linking to the release page: Fixed in vX.X.X!
  • Publish to the WP Plugin Repo through SVN:
    • Copy and paste the new version files from the git repo to the SVN repo /trunk (TODO: better way?).
    • Run svn stat and/or svn diff on the SVN repo and make sure the changes look correct.
    • Run svn ci -m "committing version X.X.X to trunk".
    • Run svn cp trunk tags/X.X.X to make a tagged copy in the tags folder.
    • Run svn ci -m "tagging version X.X.X" and release the new version to the world.
    • Check to make sure WP updates the plugin.
    • Cheers! have a drink.
  • Over the next 1-2weeks, watch the plugin support page to see if there are major bugs or if everyone hates something.

Sample Text for testing

Paste this code in the editor to test out all the different syntax highlighting features.

	[shortcode attribute="value" standAloneAttribute bool=true int=42 ]
		[oneliner noquotes=stringvaluewithnospaces]
		[self-closing-syntax html='<label class="name">Label</label>' /]
		shortcode content 
		<a href="#">nested html</a>
		[ [brackets that-dont-count]]

	a really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really long line that should wrap and indent properly

<!--more WordPress More Tag Text --><!--noteaser--><!--nextpage-->
<!--HTML comment--><!--[shortcode]-->

<div style=" width:200px; height:400px; ">styled div</div>
	/* css comment */
	#identifier, .class{
	/* square brackets in css block */
	element[attribute="value"]{ color:red; }

<input onclick=" document.getElementById('identifier').style.width = '200px'; "/>
	// javascript comment
	var obj = {
		key: value,
		keytwo: valuetwo,
		array: ['valueone', 'valuetwo'] // square brackets in javascript block
	document.getElementById('identifier').style.width = '200px';
	var string = '</script' + '>'; // writing this straight out will break the mix

[/matchlessEndTag]<div class="right after error"></div>
[shortcode no_square_brackets='aa[<div here="whatever" adn=" ></div>]aaa']
[no/special|characters\in*shortcode^names or.attribute`names=error /]

&amp; &#xaA1; &#9; &error
	// this is meta highlighting
	<div class="something"></div>
	$var = 'value'; 

For promotional text:

<h1>HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter</h1>
<p class="description">
	Add syntax highlighting to the Classic Text Editor, Gutenberg Code Editor, and Theme &amp; Plugin Editors. It also highlights [[shortcodes]] like HTML!
	[shortcode attribute="value" standAloneAttribute bool=true int=42 /]

	[shortcode ]
		[oneliner html='<label class="name">Label</label>']
		shortcode content 
		<a href="#">nested html</a>

<!--more WordPress More Tag Text --><!--noteaser--><!--nextpage-->
<!-- HTML comment --><!-- commented out [shortcode] -->

<p>It works with inline CSS!</p>
<style> /* css comment */
	#identifier, .class, element[attribute="value"] {
		width:  200px;
		color:  rebeccapurple;

<p>It works with inline JavaScript Too!</p>
<script> // javascript comment
	var obj = {
		key: value,
		number: 200,
		array: ['valueone', 'valuetwo'] 
	document.getElementById('identifier').style.width = obj.number + 'px';