
A simple build status screen

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


wallboard screenshot

This is a simple build status monitor server, allowing you to see the current build status of your Jenkins instance.

Currently only Jenkins is supported, but if you wish to have support for other CIs/CDs, feel free to vote here.


Install wallboard globally using

yarn global add wallboard
# or
npm i -g wallboard


Run it using

wallboard -c config.json

You might want to use pm2 to run it as a daemon in the background though.

Config file

Example config.json file

  // Set the URL to your Jenkins instance
  "ci": "https://jenkins",

  // Either use whitelist to only show jobs with a certain
  // substring in their name
  "whitelist": [ "pattern1", "pattern2" ],

  // or use blacklist to filter out certain jobs
  "blacklist": [ "pattern1", "pattern2" ],

  // Events allow you to run certain commands or call any
  // API when a job is starting or finishes.
  // These two events are called build-start and build-finish.
  "events": {
    "build-finish": {
      "all": "command or url that always runs when build finished",
      "successful": "command or url on a successful build",
      "failed": "command or url when job failed"

    "build-start": {
      "all": "command or url"

    // Adding :<job-name> to the event will override the
    // default event
    "build-finish:job-name": {
      "successful": "command or url on success"
