
Lightweight script harness and DSL for iterating over and running operations on ActiveRecord model records

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


"Helping you scripterate over all the things"

A lightweight script harness and DSL for iterating over and running operations on ActiveRecord model records, with Redis hooks for managing subsets, failures, and retries.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'scripterator'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install scripterator

Works with ActiveRecord 3.* (Rails 4 support coming).


Create a .rb file with your script code:

Scripterator.run "Convert users from legacy auth data" do

  before do

  before_batch do |batch|
    # do stuff

  for_each_user do |user|

  after_batch do |batch|
    # do stuff

  after do
    # some code to run after everything's finished


Run your script for a given set of IDs:

$ START=10000 END=19999 bundle exec rails runner my_script.rb >out.txt

This will produce output of the form:

Starting at 2013-09-24 14:53:39 -0700...
2013-09-24 14:53:40 -0700: Checked 0 rows, 0 migrated.
2013-09-24 14:53:41 -0700: Checked 10000 rows, 10000 migrated.
2013-09-24 14:53:41 -0700: Checked 20000 rows, 20000 migrated.
2013-09-24 14:53:42 -0700: Checked 30000 rows, 30000 migrated.
Finished at 2013-09-24 14:53:43 -0700...

Total rows migrated: 34903 / 34903
0 rows previously migrated and skipped
0 errors

Or, instead of a range, pass in the specific IDs you want to run against:

$ ID_LIST=1,2,100,999 bundle exec rails runner my_script.rb >out.txt

Retrieve set information about checked and failed records:

> Scripterator.failed_ids_for "Convert users from legacy auth data"
=> [14011, 15634, 17301, 17302]

> Scripterator.already_run_for?("Convert users from legacy auth data", 15000)
=> true

User-definable blocks:


  • for_each_(.+): code to run for every record. This block should return true (or a truthy value) if the operation ran successfully, or false (or a falsy value) if the record was skipped/ineligible. Errors and Exceptions will be caught by Scripterator and tabulated/output.


  • model: code with which model should be loaded, e.g., model { User.includes(:profile, :roles) }; if this block is not supplied, the model class is inferred from the for_each_* block, e.g., for_each_post_comment will cause the model PostComment to be loaded
  • before: code to run before iteration begins
  • after: code to run after iteration finishes

Environment variable options:

  • START: first model ID to scripterate
  • END: last model ID to scripterate
  • BATCH_SIZE: how many records to process in a batch
  • ID_LIST: comma-delimited list of IDs to scripterate (e.g. "ID_LIST=1,99,440,23")
  • REDIS_EXPIRATION: amount of time (in seconds) before Redis result sets (checked IDs and failed IDs) are expired

Either a starting or an ending ID must be provided.


Within an optional Rails initializer, configure Scripterator further as follows (config/initializers/scripterator.rb):

Scripterator.configure do |config|
  # alternate Redis instance
  config.redis = MyRedis.new

  # turn off Redis
  config.redis = nil

  # change default Redis set expiration time
  config.redis_expiration = 5.days

  # set redis_expiration to 0 to turn off expiration
  config.redis_expiration = 0

Running tests

$ bundle exec rspec


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request