RAFT, or Retrieval-Augmented Fine-Tuning, is a method comprising of a fine-tuning and a RAG-based retrieval phase. It is particularly suited for the creation of agents that realistically emulate a specific human target.
- AengusBlDublin, Ireland
- ak5055
- cotdpSingapore
- cx0San Francisco
- derbydefi
- fedemengoEPFL
- generalvisionyyt
- hdmi-ss203
- HylosiumSpain, Valladolid
- Iron-Bound127.0.0.1
- Jayant1234
- jerifeCatholic Univ of Korea
- jocobtt@collibra
- johnreubank
- jplnasa5
- JRoshthen1Finland
- karbon0x@Asana
- kyleeasterly
- lawliet19189@dashworkstech
- LericDaxAzoth Corp
- libhot
- LulzxAsia, Earth
- lumpenspace
- marquisdepolis
- missflash
- Pent
- plasmanunchucks
- profintegraStockholm
- rifkybujanaGenta Technology
- sandkoan
- SDDantes
- tmontana
- VenusTZZ
- vgel@SecureDNA
- YousefMohassab