A Web application made with react js for the front end and css for styling that uses https://www.themealdb.com/api.php to serve over 300 meals, their recipes, directions, ingredients list and a video tutorial for chefs who need to try new recipes for the taste buds. It uses firebase for (google signin) for user authentication.
* CSS3
* Bootstrap4
* React-bootstrap
* Reactjs
* Axios
* Firebase
* Real time on page recipe searching
* Get Recipe Information (name, country of origin, image, method of preparation video tutorial)
* Google Authentication
* Mobile Responsive
Home Page -> Authenticate with google
Default Page -> Check authentication user authentication status
Meal Page -> Show all meals with search functionalities
Single Recipe -> Show methods of preparations of a single meal
* git clone https://github.com/lumunge/Chief-Chef.git
* Create a google account and get the required firebase credentials to implement in your app
* npm i
* npm start