- Responsive design
- Form validation
- Handling internet disconnections
A Web application made with react js for the front end, redux for state management and material-ui for styling that uses https://www.thecocktaildb.com/api.php to serve over 500 beverages, their ingredients, directions for preparation, for cocktail enthusiasts, beverage lovers who need to try new drinks. It showcases both alocholic, non-alcoholic and optional alcoholic drinks. Its backend is made using nodejs, express and monogdb and uses token based authentication(jwt) for user authentication and authorization.
* CSS3
* Material ui/materual ui icons/material ui skeleton
* Reactjs
* React-Query
* Axios
* Get Cocktail Information (name, image, method of preparation)
* Mobile Responsive
* git clone https://github.com/lumunge/Cocktailer.git
* yarn i
* yarn start