
Audiodg Solver solves your audiodg.exe process bugs

Primary LanguagePython

Audiodg Solver

Audiodg Solver solves audiodg.exe process bugs

Logic Solving Audiodg.exe Porcess Bug

  • 1 . Detect the audiodg.exe process within user's process list
  • 2 . Find the audiodg.exe process PID
  • 3 . Measure CPU of the PID
  • 4 . If CPU of the PID exceeded the 6% share This kill the process
  • 5 . Automatically running the audiodg.exe process again

User Python Package

  • psutil
  • pyqt5

How to use

Firstly, Download Audiodg Solver at the Link.

( Link: https://drive.google.com/a/pearlabyss.com/uc?id=1hBdsRpIdK76ZO9JOEFGhDGxcW6REpeo0&export=download )


after downloading, decompress the AudiodgSolver.zip and execute audiodgsolver.exe


you should run this as an adminstrator If not this can't solve the audiodg.exe process bug.


This screen shows the normal condition.

Click the "Start Solver" then this solves audiodg.exe process bug.


This manage the audiodg.exe process.

If you want to minimize this you can use the traymod by clicking the "Tray Mod" button.


Minimized Program

How to compile

You just execute audiodgsolver.py

Where this program was used ?
