
A cold, dark colourscheme for Vim

Primary LanguageVim ScriptISC LicenseISC


a cold, dark colourscheme for Vim

made in Colortemplate, the Toolkit for Vim Colourscheme Designers inspired by Nord and Iceberg


Use your favorite runtimepath/plugin manager, or place substrata.vim into ~/.vim/colors/ for *nix and %userprofile%\vimfiles\colors\ for Windows.



Substrata should work out of the box if you’re using a GUI Vim such as GVim or MacVim. Terminal usage, however, requires the terminal supporting 24-bit colour, also known as True Colour.

set termguicolors " Only needed in terminals
colorscheme substrata


If you want other terminal output to match with Substrata, then set your terminal emulator’s colours to match the ones below:

Colour Normal Bright
Black #2e313d #5b5f71
Red #cf8164 #fe9f7c
Green #76a065 #92c47e
Yellow #ab924c #d2b45f
Blue #8296b0 #a0b9d8
Magenta #a18daf #c6aed7
Cyan #659ea2 #7dc2c7
White #b5b4c9 #f0ecfe
Foreground #b5b4c9
Background #191c25

A preset is included for iTerm and in Xresources format. The Xresources format can be used either by copying the contents of xresources/substrata.xresources into ~/.Xresources, or, if you would prefer to keep the theme in a separate file, you can instead include it with the following syntax:

#include "/path/to/substrata.xresources"


Note that the screenshots below are likely to be slightly out of date. The typeface used in the screenshots is iA Writer Mono, which is derived from IBM Plex Mono.

The popup menu in SubstrataPopup menu Searching in SubstrataSearching Showing the diff between two files in SubstrataDiffing Writing in SubstrataWriting using Goyo and Limelight Visual selections in SubstrataVisual mode Fugitive in SubstrataFugitive


Substrata was inspired by these colourschemes (they’re great, you should check them out!):